Forschende des KIT entwickeln mithilfe von Maschinellem Lernen erstes nationales Hochwasservorhersagemodell für kleine Flüsse
zur Presseinformation
In less than a year from now, the international “North Atlantic Waveguide, Dry Intrusion and Downstream Impact Campaign” (NAWDIC) will take place in North Atlantic-European region.
New Helmholtz-funded project ACTUATE explores climate adaptation scenarios to reduce the impact of future extreme events
3D radar-based hail tracks reveal region-specific trends in Germany over the past 20 years.
New BMBF-funded joint project KI-HopE-De (Al-supported flood forecasting for small catchment areas in Germany) launched
Martina Klose and her team investigate aerosols in the Earth system, especially mineral dust. For this purpose, they use and develop numerical models and field and laboratory measurements.
Leading US Researcher Receives Prize Valued at up to EUR 50,000 for His Work on Early Warning and Forecasting Methods
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Hannah Meyer receives Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) award at EGU 2024 – The award recognizes her presentation on giant mineral dust particles
MieAI: Fast, accurate, and efficient aerosol optics modeling for climate, weather, and energy applications
To simulate Arctic multilayer clouds, accurate thermodynamic profiles and efficient cloud ice formation mechanisms are required
As part of the ICN, researchers from KIT and the University of Freiburg are working with the municipality of Ihringen to develop heat protection concepts to ensure the population's quality of life in the long term
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Co-HYDIM-SA will improve water security for millions of people in Southern Africa who are currently enduring one of the worst drought to ever hit the region.
Novel Doppler lidar system resolves previously unattainable valley circulations during test flights in the Alps
In preparation of the upcoming airborne measurement campaign NAWDIC, a one-week instrument assembling workshop took place at IMKTRO
Jannik Wilhelm has been awarded the Otto Haxel Prize for Physics 2021 for his PhD thesis at IMKTRO. We are happy for him and extend our congratulations!
In the last two years, sea surface temperatures in the North Atlantic were record-breaking. For a case study from February 2019, we investigate how sea surface temperature can affect weather patterns in Europe.
Hailstone in the freezer: Please send an email to hagel@imk-tro.kit.edu
Machine learning and statistical emulators help to better understand and forecast the complex weather and climate of tropical Africa
While the flood was still in progress, CEDIM researchers carried out an initial historical classification of the event and categorized regions according to the degree of expected damage.
Five new DIAL profilers extend the KITcube measuring system with continuous measurements of water vapor profiles in the boundary layer
A combination of different datasets is crucial to obtain a representative picture of windstorm associated impacts.
Hailstorms cause considerable damage again and again. The 4th European Hail Workshop was held at KIT in March 2024 to inform and discuss the current state of hail research and to identify new possible solutions.
6-week field campaign by researchers from KIT and Leipzig University in wintry Finland
To adapt to climate change, Africa needs long-term investment in scientific infrastructure and careers in meteorology
From April to June, the presentation globe advertises meteorological research at KIT at a prominent location on Kronenplatz.
With the model system ICON-ART developed by KIT, the DWD will be able to improve its energy
forecasts by predicting mineral dust and its effects on radiation.
To press release
The new edition of the book "Klimawandel in Deutschland" shows the challenges of climate change in Germany and offers approaches for adaptation
The prize honors his research on Dunkelflauten (a compound event of low wind and solar energy yield) in Germany and their relation with large-scale weather patterns.
Valuable data for the insurance industry: Satellite data is used to estimate the spatial distribution and return periods of hail.
Climate change is about to impact our world severely
A simple diagnostic tool elucidates why mean rainfall differs in tropical aquachannel simulations with different configurations
Public access brings greater transparency to science and enables collaborative efforts to improve environmental forecasting worldwide
The South German Climate Office was successful with a start-up project for heat adaptation in small municipalities in Baden-Württemberg
A delegation of researchers from seven Helmholtz centers traveled to Brussels to engage with political and other stakeholders around the European Union
The renowned weather and climate model ICON is now being made available to society under an open source licence with the participation of KIT researchers.
To press release /DWD
New book edited by Sylvia C. Sullivan and Corinna Hoose explores the complexity of clouds.
A high-resolution climate simulation ensemble reveals the future development of heatwaves with climate change and the local heat stress for southern Germany.
Abschmelzen der Westantarktis erscheint unumgänglich – trotzdem positive Trends nicht aus den Augen verlieren
Zur Presseinformation
This project investigates temporal clustering of different extremes based on building insurance data and with respect to potential meteorological triggers
more...Evelyne Touré and Appolinaire Vondou visited IMK-TRO to conduct research on extreme rainfall and air pollution in Africa
Forschende des KIT untersuchen, inwieweit sich die Qualität von Wettervorhersagen durch zusätzliche Messdaten verbessern lässt
Recognition for the development of the online-coupled meteorological and aerosol-chemistry models COSMO-ART and ICON-ART
The first direct comparision of modeled and observed aerosol aging after a volcanic eruption.
KIT researchers publish report on this year's temperature records in the northern hemisphere - Italy was by far heat hotspot in Europe
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Prof. Sarah Jones has succeeded Prof. Gerhard Adrian, extraordinary professor at IMK-TRO, as of 01.08.2023. We warmly extend our congratulations to our former professor on her new task!
To press release / DWD
A recent study assesses the performance by numerical models in predicting flow situations of high interest for numerous socio-economic sectors.
The results of the status quo analysis were discussed at a working meeting. Future measures were developed, concretized and classified.
Pangu-Weather, developed by Huawei, provides cost-effective and energy-saving forecasts
Participants from seven research institutes designed roadmap towards next major Atlantic field campaign
...with hail sondes and drones for a better understanding of hail formation – training successfully completedt.
Measurement campaign in the Black Forest investigates weather extremes to better understand and predict their causes and consequences.
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A multi-faceted weather and climate analysis of the extremely hot and dry European summer of 2018 provides new evidence of present-day and future heat waves
Die Hitze war beispiellos: Im Sommer 2021 litten die westlichen USA und Westkanada unter sengender Sonne.
For outstanding teaching in the Introduction Week for international first-year students in the MSc Meteorology and Climate Physics
Laboratory campaign investigates the efficiency of large mineral dust particles to nucleate cloud ice.
IMK-TRO leads Swabian MOSES measurement campaign to study thunderstorms and heavy precipitation around the Black Forest region
Warm conveyor belts associated with low-pressure systems across the North Pacific influenced the prediction of the record-breaking heat wave in Western North America in 2021.
Back in the day, Loriot, a German comedian, already knew that there are many shades of gray. Aerosols haze the atmosphere and consequently reduce the radiation at ground level.
Compound weather and climate events: the analysis of the October 2017 wildfires in Portugal and implications for end user guidance
Periods of low wind and solar power output in combination with cold temperatures can stress the energy system.
KIT researchers and members of national weather services discuss new "playground" to explore the benefits of machine learning in weather forecasting.
Cloud radiative heating and cooling have a substantial impact on the dynamics and predictability of an idealized extratropical cyclone.
Julian Quinting of KIT receives ERC Starting Grant – ASPIRE project increases reliability of weather forecasts, and reduces computing costs and energy consumption
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Coupling two KITcube Doppler wind lidars enabled a novel perspective of tributary valley outflows during stable nighttime conditions.
Pilot project at IMK-TRO to realize more equal opportunities and appreciation of diversity
Unprecendented international field campaign in Jordan starts.
IMK-TRO's climate research in Africa makes valuable contributions to flood protection and rainforest preservation
In parts of Europe, thunderstorm activity decreased over the last two decades. Large-scale processes could be an explanation for this.
New software RAMEFI allows an objective identification and thus detailed analysis of forecast errors in winterstorms
Global models show the crucial influence of clouds on changes in Earth’s climate and on conditions for the evolution of life
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New Studies on the 2021 Floods in the Eifel Region and on Future Trends of Such Extreme Events
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Hight time-resolved Doppler Lidar measurements of vertical wind in Stuttgart enable validation of turbulence parameters in urban climate model PALM-4U
Date: September 20, 2022, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.; Location: KIT, Campus South, Geb. 30.10, NTI lecture hall
to press release
Warm conveyor belts associated with low-pressure systems are linked to the prediction of persistent high-pressure systems over Europe
The South German Climate Office and CEDIM present current projects and results from climate and risk research at the Hannover Messe from 30.05.-02.06.2022.
to press release
New paper led by IMK-TRO’s Peter Knippertz brings together international experts to systematically compare methods to identify equatorial waves
Meteorological tower at KIT Campus North contributes to research on the microbiome in the atmosphere; the results were recently published in PNAS.
This year, Andreas Fink is one of 22 fellows, only 2 of them coming from institutions outside the US.
On 21 March 2022 Prof. Dr. Christoph Kottmeier, former head of the IMK-TRO institute, received the Alfred-Wegener-Medal of the German Meteorological Society (DMG).
Combination of multiple Doppler lidars enables a detailed spatio-temporal investigation of the boundary layer top over complex terrain.
Symmetric perturbations in ensemble forecasts lead to more rapidly ascending air streams and thus change the mean state of the atmosphere in the model
Prof. Joaquim Pinto appears as an expert witness in the investigation committee of the NRW state parliament on the Ahr/Erft flood event in July 2021.
The ash dispersion forecast is challenging for eruptions with complex dynamics. We present a solution here.
Regional climate model simulations provide new perspectives on the permafrost extent in France during the Last Glacial Maximum
This question is addressed by many researchers, but also insurers fear increasing losses.
A combination of statistical and dynamical forecast approaches beats all previous methods from week 2-3 onward
Young Investigator Group contributes to developing the next generation of global coupled Earth system models
Both strong thunderstorms passing directly over the measurement sites and the complete absence of predicted events were observed
A virtual workshop co-organized by IMK-TRO brought together the world leading experts on the dynamics of atmospheric blocking in September 2021
Warm conveyor belt biases in numerical weather prediction models are potentially linked to biases in persistent high pressure systems.
Prof. Peter Knippertz was selected as a scout in the Henriette Herz Program of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and can now directly propose foreign researchers for a Humboldt Research Fellowship at KIT.
A DFG project investigates potential impacts of extreme drought and plant invasion on Mediterranean ecosystems.
International field campaign to investigate Icelandic dust emission, transport, composition, and impacts
Prof. Corinna Hoose presented first simulations run on HoreKa and pushed the start button together with Minister Theresia Bauer, VP Prof. Oliver Kraft and SCC director Prof. Martin Frank
A new study involving Andreas Fink delineates natural limits for this ambitious project based on climate data.
Researchers at KIT and the University of Vienna are investigating the influence of tiny atmospheric ice crystals in the earth's climate system.
As part of MOSES, IMK-TRO is pioneering a network of instruments to measure precipitation sorted by droplet size.
The confidence in long-term weather predictions depends on the season, the type of expected weather conditions, and external factors around the globe.
The appearance of our forests has changed dramatically. This project intends to assist sustainable forest management with high-resolution climate information.

2nd episode of the german-language podcast series titled "Contributions to Climate Research from Karlsruhe" with Prof. Corinna Hoose, IMK-TRO, has been released
Helmholtz initiative MOSES starts measurement campaign coordinated by IMK-TRO on hydro-meteorological extremes in the area of the Swabian Alb.
During the Last Glacial Maximum, European windstorms were more frequent and associated with stronger winds and weaker precipitation than today.
New study by Pante et al. warns that further increase of human emissions could endanger water resources.
Lectures and exercises received excellent grades from the students and teaching awards from the KIT faculty of physics.
Mineral dust transport causes dimming of the sky and stained cars. Does it also affect our electricity production?
How does the wind blow above a mountain range?
The prestigious fellowship will allow close collaboration with colleagues at ECMWF in research on weather forecasting on sub-seasonal time scales.
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A novel diagnostic demonstrates how deep learning may advance our fundamental understanding of processes on the weather time-scale.
Three researchers from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technologies in Germany share their findings collected during some of the most recent and advanced complex wind measurement campaigns.
Afforestation leads to opposing diurnal temperature cycles at the surface and in the lower atmosphere in summer
In 2020 Prof. Peter Knippertz from IMK-TRO received the Editor’s award of the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society.
Size matters: Large data amounts reduce the statistical uncertainty in the analysis of extreme weather phenomena and their impacts.
250-year temperature series for Central Europe shows strong warming since the Little Ice Age
The next European Hail Workshop takes place from 15 to 19 March 2021 as an online workshop. Abstract submission and participant registration are now possible.
With a new data acquisition concept, the meteorological tower at the CN is well prepared for future tasks.
New research group led by Dr. Martina Klose investigates aerosol-climate-interactions
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Forest fires reduce the air quality and the yield of solar plants not only in California. In early September, the forest fires on the American West Coast...
New insights show that month-ahead temperature forecasts for Europe following sudden stratospheric warmings have to be interpreted with caution.
The predictability of a large thunderstorm system (Pentecost Monday, 2014) is extremely sensitive to the small changes in the chosen model domain
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An international research team with the participation of KIT investigated the connection between weather conditions and influenza waves in the Eastern Mediterranean.
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How the current corona pandemic is influencing the work of CEDIM - that and much more is presented in the new CEDIM research report
A new dynamical systems method may improve the ability to predict extreme weather events and complement numerical weather predictions
The CROSSINN project investigates the three-dimensional structure of valley flows in a major Alpine valley
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On the usage of high-resolution rain gauges to monitor tropical rainfall and validate satellite-based preipitation products over Ghana.
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The representation of aerosol dynamics improves the forecast of volcanic ash dispersion.
Variability of weather systems explains different precipitation patterns during El Niño as revealed from a comprehensive climatological analysis
Auch wenn die momentane Krise rund um Covid-19 die Medien und uns alle stark beschäftigt, so geht doch auch der Klimawandel weiter.
The temporal evolution of convective clouds, from initiation via glaciation to dissipation, is inferred using geostationary space-based measurements
Research on extreme weather events and climate change has made significant steps forward in recent years. However, a better understanding of the influence of large-scale processes on thunderstorm activity is still required.
A technical requirement profile for plasters was developed that actively intervenes in indoor climate by moisture storage and transport capacity.
On the 9th and 10th of January 2020, the IMK held the first Climate change and eXtreme Events (ClimXtreme) project meeting, devoted to Module A, Physics and Processes.
A more realistic representation of summertime West African thunderstorms results in improved medium-range weather forecasts for the mid-latitudes
Modeled convective precipitation shows lower precipitation amounts using finer horizontal grid spacing and land-surface representation contributes about 20%.

Weather regimes and stratospheric conditions together change odds for regional weather extremes and subseasonal predictability in winter.

Climate model simulations indicate strong impact of clouds on the circulation response to global warming and regional climate change
With climate change, an increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation is expected in the Western Mediterranean (WMed). Simulating this high impact weather remains a challenge
For the first time, the relative impact of orography, soil moisture and aerosols on precipitation over Germany was analyzed for different weather regimes.
Ongoing research aims to identify meteorological quantities for the improvement of short-term thunderstorm forecasts in cooperation with DWD.
The IMK-TRO is organizing the next European Hail Workshop in Karlsruhe. Abstract submission (Deadline 29.11.19) and registration (Deadline 31.01.20) is now possible on the workshop website.
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In some regions of Germany, heat stress will increase significantly towards the middle of the century
Climate change will have a strong impact on southern European olive producing countries
Am Abend des 6. und 9. August 2019 gab es besonders kräftige Gewitter, die Karlsruhe überquerten und einige Sturmschäden verursachten.

Simulation of ash dispersion after the eruption of Raikoke volcano, one of the strongest eruptions during the last 30 years
In June 2019, several severe thunderstorms associated with hail, heavy precipitation and severe wind gusts caused considerable damage in Germany.
HYDREX 2019, Measuring campaign in the Müglitz valley in Saxony is about to be completed. Helmholtz research centres carry out joint measurement campaign on hydrological extremes.
Scientists from meteorology and mathematics at KIT have jointly developed a new method that corrects errors in weather forecasting on the basis of artificial intelligence.

Central Europe suffers from the current heat wave. The danger of forest fires and health impacts accompanies such extreme weather.
DAAD joint research project will study the subseasonal predictability of weather regimes in Europe and Asia.
Young investigator group leaders cooperate with mathematicians and energy system modelers.
European heat waves, such as those in summer 2003 and 2015, have a high heat-related mortality rate, e.g. 2003: 70,000 deaths
Consortium with Munich and Mainz focuses on deficiencies and challenges of weather prediction with the aim to improve forecast models.
In March, tropical storm IDAI caused many deaths, injuries and severe damage to buildings, highways and critical infrastructure in South East Africa.
Andreas Schlüter, Doktorand am IMK-TRO des KIT
ist der einzige Schmidt Science Fellow aus Deutschland.

Climate change affects many fields of action. The integration of adaptation experience into the analysis of regional climate simulations provides a basis for the implementation of adaptation measures.
Changing model time step significantly affects thunderstorm simulations. This problem could now be solved.
Partnership agreement strengthens research projects and exchange opportunities for students and staff.
Impact of air pollution on climate, humans and the environment as well as the role of the West African summer monsoon – German-African consortium presents policy brief.
The extratropical transition of tropical cyclones near land can be delayed due to orographic blocking of mid-latitude air.
more...The Monsoons panel is a joint committee of two projects of the World Meteorological Organization’s World Climate Research Programme.
Subseasonal forecasts systematically underestimate the occurrence frequency of long-lasting and stationary high pressure systems over Europe.
The TRACMIP project helps to improve the understanding and modeling of the response of tropical rainfall to climate change.
The recent decadal climate forecast indicate for Europe distinctly warmer conditions over the next ten years compared to the past.
IMK-TRO joined forces with insurance partners to understand Australia hail risk.
more...Statistical emulation allows for a comprehensive analysis of the sensitivity of deep convective clouds and hail to environmental conditions.
more...A novel and flexible rainy season definition is introduced for the Greater Horn of Africa.
New study in Science Advances is dedicated to so-far ignored climate effect!
more...There is a gap between the lowest radar measurement and ground. How does precipitation change in this gap?
more...Development of a new high-resolution hail loss model in cooperation with an insurance company successfully completed.
more...Neural networks can be taught to simulate the energy and mass fluxes between land surfaces with varying land use and the atmosphere.
more...Periodic wind system of foehn character with high impact on lake evaporation detected in the Dead Sea valley.
more...Participants discuss new developments in European windstorm research and associated risks.
more...EU-funded DACCIWA project is communicating its main findings to policymakers in Africa and Europe.
more...The cloud ice fraction measured by satellites is systematically biased, because satellites can hardly see into clouds.
more...Heavy precipitation events are investigated by IMK-TRO in the Eastern Ore Mountains when KITcube joins the MOSES observation system starting in spring 2019.
more...Cloud-condensational processes associated with weather systems can amplify forecast error and result in severe “forecast busts” of the large-scale circulation.
For details see the conference website!
For details see the conference website!
Extreme gusts in summer are often associated with severe damage.
more...Summerly heat waves significantly affect indoor comfort.
more...Insights into dust storm through new dust measurements at the Dead Sea.
more...If cities are too warm, this is also due to certain settlement structures.
Climate change could impede the wind energy production in Europe.
more...Wind and weather are decisive factors for air quality and climate in agglomerations.
more...New collaboration of scientists from Karlsruhe, Zurich and Berlin to investigate the pathways of water vapour in the atmosphere!
Better weather forecasts could have a noticeable influence on the agricultural, economic and social development in Africa.
State-of-the art measurements with the mobile platform KITcube allow to detect decisive processes and parameters for low-level cloud formation.
more...Possibilities of the cities adapting to the climate change!
A better understanding of the dynamical processes governing sub-seasonal predictability and novel forecast products help improving 10-60 day weather forecasts.
more...Special prepared trams on the way between Karlsruhe city center and the surrounding area!
more...Idealized model simulations suggest that clouds and their radiative interactions might have an important and so far not studied impact on extratropical weather systems.
Stronger, more frequent weather extremes will occur under climate change. Improved understanding of these phenomena is vital to minimize damages.
An interdisciplinary research project between IMK-TRO, IWG and GPI enables the estimations of the flood risk in Germany.
Online dossier on the development of megacities, urban climate and quality of life, question of resources and threat of natural hazards.
link (In German)

High resolution isotope enabled regional climate models can improve significantly water isotope climatologies.
Aerosol particles can take up huge amounts of water. This reduces the amount of solar radiation reaching the surface.
The Dead Sea is shrinking. We measured the decisive factor - evaporation.
Downscaling of paleoclimate data offers new perspectives to comapare climate model and proxy data.
Using the longest and most comprehensive gauge series for Africa, Andreas Fink puts recent droughts into a longer term perspective.
“Meteorology of Tropical West Africa; the forecasters’ handbook” has been awarded by the Atmospheric Science Librarians International (ASLI) with the prize “2017 ASLI Choice”.
Aiko Voigt gets to the bottom of the phenomenon at KIT. The results could provide insights into the extent to which life on other planets is possible.
Comment of Prof. Joaquim G. Pinto and Dr. Christian M. Grams about the impact of climate change on European wind power
A report on the atmospheric measurements in 2016
Prof. Corinna Hoose has received the IAMAS (International Association for Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences) Early Career Scientist Medal.
The "2nd European Hail Workshop" took place from 19.-21.4.2017 at the University of Bern
Joaquim Pinto’s Research Focuses on Regional Climate and Weather Hazards – AXA Research Fund supports a new Chair at IMK-TRO

Meteorologists study the development of squalls with the help of measuring instruments on Karlsruhe’s “energy hill.”
A BMBF-funded junior research group has started on Sep 1, 2016 within the HD(CP)2 project.
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For her research on the composition of clouds, Professor Corinna Hoose is awarded an ERC Starting Grant in the amount of EUR 1.5 Million.
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KIT coordinates EU-funded project DACCIWA that studies the air over the coastal region of West Africa.
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PerduS Project Examines Yield Loss of Photovoltaic Panels Caused by Desert Dust
Air Pollutants over Megacities Might Affect Regional Climate Change ...
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DFG supports current aspects of weather research at SFB/ Transregio 165 „Waves to Weather“. IMK is involved with many projects at Transregio.
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Researchers Study Change in the Dead Sea Valley
IMK-TRO coordinated €9M project “Dynamics-aerosol-chemistry-cloud interactions in West Africa” started...
In the current storm documentation of the Deutsche Rück the weather patterns of the last year and the ensuing natural hazard damage is described.

The Helmholtz Climate Initiative REKLIM (Regional climate change) invites you to its 6th regional conference in Karlsruhe on 05/10/2016.
Together with several stations in Israel and Jordan IMK-TRO operates its first permanent meteorological station in Palestine.
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Prof. Andreas Fink, IMK-TRO, has been decorated with the Vaisala Award at the Royal Meteorological Society. programm.
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Progress and Future Directions of Research on Predictability and Dynamics of midlatitude Weather Systems Karlsruhe, Germany, 18-21 May 2015
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The KIT weather station "Rheinstetten" has been operational since 10 years.
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Während der Hitzewelle Anfang August war es in der Karlsruher Innenstadt bis zu 7 Grad wärmer...
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A new textbook from P. Knippertz und J.-B. Stuut dealing with state of the art research in the field of mineral dust is published by Springer.

Measurement campaign in Jülich captures the spatial structure of the cloudy atmosphere more accurately than ever before - Climate scientists from the KIT with "KITcube" be involved.
A training course for the model system ICON-ART was held from July 7 to July 9, 2014 in the Hessian city Langen.
The GeoPortal of Landesmedienzentrum Karlsruhe which is in parts operated in cooperation with the IMK (online tool about weather analysis and forecast) was decorated with the Comenius EduMedia Seal 2014. more...

"Your Climate" presents locations in Karlsruhe with significance for the climate of the city.
Das Süddeutsche Klimabüro präsentiert sich auf dem KIT-Campus Süd am 11. Juli
"Our Climate – Our Future, Regional perspectives on a global challenge"
KIT-YIG have developed a new measurement approach which helps to a better understanding of turbulence in the atmospheric boundary layer.
CEDIM analyzes Tropical Cyclone "Haiyan" and its impacts in an interdisciplinary team. Results will be published here in a series of reports.
IMK-TRO together with University of Bern, Meteo Swiss and Mobiliar Lab jointly organizes the 1st European Workshop in Bern.
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IMK-Forscher erstellen hoch aufgelöste Wetterprognosen für die deutschen Olympia-Teilnehmer
mehr...Die Intensivmessphase (Special Observation Period, SOP) des Forschungsprogramms HyMeX (Hydrological Cycle of the Mediterranean Experiment) begann offiziell am 4. September und wird bis zum November durchgeführt.
Im Rahmen von CEDIM präsentiert sich das Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung (IMK) beim Wissenschaftsfestival „Effekte“ (22.-23.6.13) in Karlsruhe
Badly affected was Oklahoma, where an EF5-Tornado struck Moore, a suburb of Oklahoma City.
Wettergefahren-Frühwarnung.de (german)
Das stationäre Regenband im Osten Deutschlands brachte bis Montagmorgen weitere 24-stündige Niederschlagssummen zwischen verbreitet 20 und 40 mm.
In Argentinien fand vom 5.-20.1.2013 die Segelflug-Weltmeisterschaft statt. Meteorologen des KIT waren in verschiedener Weise daran beteiligt.
Der Winter im März 2013 war sehr ungewöhnlich hinsichtlich Intensität und Andauer...
Temperaturen unter Null Grad und länger anhaltender Regen - das waren die Zutaten für eine ausgeprägte Glatteislage. Insbesondere im Südwesten Deutschlands sorgte dies am 20. Januar 2013 für teilweise erhebliche Behinderungen. Vereiste Böden und Oberleitungen ...

In the HyMeX project, among other things, the formation of high impact weather in the western Mediterranean is investigated in detail.
Nach einem rekordverdächtig warmen Frühjahr setzte sich die Wärme und Hitze im Sommer 2012 über den USA und über Nordamerika beständig fort. Der Juli 2012 ging in den USA als heißester Juli seit Aufzeichnungsbeginn ein. Im Kanadisch-Arktischen Archipel und auf Grönland wurde massiver Eisschwund beobachtet.
For her diploma thesis "Longterm variability of hail-related weather types in an ensemble of regional climate models" at the IMK-TRO Marie Kapsch was awarded the "Sparkassen" - prize.
Young Investigator Group "Exploring Coherent Structures Using Dual-Doppler Lidar Systems" at IMK-TRO
The combined weatherforecast and particle dispersion model COSMO-ART is running operational now.
A Special Issue of the „Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society“ has been published with results of the COPS project aiming at an improvement of precipitation forecasts in weather prediction models. The main findings were presented to the public in a press conference.
The atmospheric observation system "KITcube" was passed to its purpose on 15th November 2011 by the Vice President of KIT, Dr. Peter Fritz.
In Hatzenbühl/Pfalz measurements in the atmosphere began that contribute to a better understanding of the weather.

As part of the competition for innovative ideas the AERO-TRAM was awarded. It has been developed and operated by the IMK-TRO in collaboration with the Karlsruhe public transport operators and the company enviscope. The city railway measures air quality in the greater area of Karlsruhe. The award was presented during the KIT annual celebration 2011 to the leading scientists of the project, Dr. B. Vogel and Dr. U. Corsmeier.
On the webpage of Wettergefahren-Frühwarnung (german) there is an analysis available now concerning the cold spell in Europe at the beginning of February 2012 with detailed informations about the weather situation, measuring data, a climatological classification and many pictures.
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The head of the Young Investigator Group "EDDy" at IMK-TRO has been awarded as part of the KIT annual celebration with the KIT Doctoral Award 2011 for her PhD thesis on entrainment processes at the upper edge of the boundary layer. The work is based among other things on measurements in the atmosphere with a lidar instrument.
Current weather forecasts and calculated dispersion of contaminated air
Expert groups of KIT evaluate incidents in Fukushima.
'THORPEX European Regional Meeting' , 24-27 May 2011, at "Karlsruher Schloss, Gartensaal"
In a joint initiative of KIT and DWD a pre-operational version of COSMO-ART Model was created.
This model provides predictions of the spread of ash particles.

At the UN climate change conference the nations of the world come togehter in order to agree on a new Climate Protection Agreement.
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Recent television reports with contributions from KIT give a review of the storm of the century "Lothar".
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