Working Group "Aerosol and Reactive Tracer Modelling", Leader Dr. Ali Hoshyaripour
Our research aims to understand atmospheric aerosol properties and their interactions with the clouds and radiation by investigating mechanisms responsible for their formation, growth and transport in the atmosphere. These processes link the nanoscale properties of the aerosols to their global-scale impacts, which are crucial for weather, air quality, renewable energy and climate predictions across scales. To achieve this, we investigate traffic emissions, dust storms, vegetation fires and volcanic eruptions as natural experiments using the ICON-ART model. Our group is the initiator and the key developer of the ART submodule that enables the emission, transport, transformations and interactions of aerosols and trace gases in the ICON model system. Our primary research topics are:
- Aerosol dynamics
- Modeling aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions
- Seamless atmospheric modeling
- Machine learning for the emulation and parameterization of the ART processes