Welcome to the Bachelor's Program in Meteorology and Climate Physics

The Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is a dynamic institution with an excellent reputation for first-class research and high-quality education. The three-year BSc program in Meteorology and Climate Physics provides a basic education in atmospheric sciences.

The bachelor's program has an independent profile that qualifies students for a profession. During the program, students acquire a broad basic knowledge in all central areas of meteorology and climatology, as well as a sound knowledge of physics and mathematics. In addition to the scientific fundamentals, methodological competence and qualifications related to the professional field are taught. The additional acquisition of knowledge in programming as well as additive key qualifications, the so-called soft skills, complete the profile.

In this program, you learn in many different ways - through lectures, paper- or computer-based exercises, practical classes in the field and lab, and team activities with fellow students. The final bachelor's thesis, which takes three months to complete, is designed to apply the skills and knowledge acquired in the program - as a lead-in to professional activities or to a consecutive master's program. To this end, relevant information is collected, evaluated and interpreted in order to derive scientifically sound judgments.

For successful completion of the bachelor's degree program in meteorology and climate physics at KIT, study achievements amounting to 180 credit points must be acquired during the entire course of study. As an academic degree, the "Bachelor of Science" (B.Sc.) is then awarded.

The bachelor's program lays the foundation for the English-language master's program, which is reserved for a stronger profiling and deepening.

At KIT, you will be taught by leading experts in the field of meteorology. As one of the largest institutions for atmospheric research in Germany, we are in the unique position to offer a broad range of topics, each taught by an active researcher in the respective field. This is possible because KIT is both a classical state university and a research center funded by the German government within the Helmholtz Association.

The Atmospheric Science Program of KIT was recently rated "Excellent" by an international team of experts. Professor Joaquim Pinto, for example, joined IMK in 2016 as head of the AXA Research Fund, where he is relevant to the insurance industry. Professor Peter Knippertz is often in Africa for research purposes, where he studies the important West African monsoon system. This includes field work, often with students from the Meteorology and Climate Physics master's program. My own work on microphysical processes in clouds was awarded a prestigious ERC Starting Grant by the European Research Council.

Karlsruhe is a great place to live and learn. With over 300,000 inhabitants, Karlsruhe offers all the cultural benefits of a city, but is small enough that you can reach everything by bike. Located in the Upper Rhine Valley, Karlsruhe is one of the sunniest and warmest places in Germany. The nearby Black Forest and Palatinate Forest make for great day trips, hiking, biking, skiing - and watching the weather! Or visit the beautiful French Alsace on the other side of the Rhine! Even if you don't know German, life in this international, hospitable and open-minded city should be no problem!

Come and join us!

Professor Corinna Hoose

Dean of Studies, BSc Program in Meteorology and Climate Physics

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Pr. Dr. Corinna Hoose, Dean of Studies BSc Program Meteorology and Climate Physics