Welcome to the Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research - Troposphere Research (IMKTRO)

The institute deals adresses important scientific questions of the atmosphere and climate and carries out projects in close cooperation with other research institutions. It conveys basic knowledge about the atmosphere and the climate system to students of meteorology and other disciplines in its courses.Findings from research are among others presented in publications and research highlights on this website. In addition, the research results are made available for applications in politics, administration, business and for citizens.

TemperaturschichtenGabriella Wallentin
How well can a weather model represent Arctic multilayer clouds?

To simulate Arctic multilayer clouds, accurate thermodynamic profiles and efficient cloud ice formation mechanisms are required

KlimawandelJohannes Meger
Climate change: research for more heat protection in small communities

As part of the ICN, researchers from KIT and the University of Freiburg are working with the municipality of Ihringen to develop heat protection concepts to ensure the population's quality of life in the long term

to press release
Co-HYDIM-SA_TeaserAndreas Fink
A new project, Co-HYDIM-SA, aims to improve water security in Southern Africa.

Co-HYDIM-SA will improve water security for millions of people in Southern Africa who are currently enduring one of the worst drought to ever hit the region.

TeaserPhilipp Gasch
AIRflows – a high-resolution revolution in airborne wind measurements

Novel Doppler lidar system resolves previously unattainable valley circulations during test flights in the Alps

BauteileAmadeus Bramsiepe, KIT
KITsonde assembling week for NAWDIC

In preparation of the upcoming airborne measurement campaign NAWDIC, a one-week instrument assembling workshop took place at IMKTRO

Wilhelm_Haxelpreis© Laila Tkotz, KIT
Dissertation prize for Jannik Wilhelm

Jannik Wilhelm has been awarded the Otto Haxel Prize for Physics 2021 for his PhD thesis at IMKTRO. We are happy for him and extend our congratulations!

How can a warmer North Atlantic Ocean influence the weather in Western Europe?

In the last two years, sea surface temperatures in the North Atlantic were record-breaking. For a case study from February 2019, we investigate how sea surface temperature can affect weather patterns in Europe.

Hagelkorn im EisfachJannik Wilhelm
Hailstone in the freezer: Please send an email to hagel@imk-tro.kit.edu

Hailstone in the freezer: Please send an email to hagel@imk-tro.kit.edu

New mathematical methods to decipher African meteorology

Machine learning and statistical emulators help to better understand and forecast the complex weather and climate of tropical Africa


Older news can be found in our news archive


Cooperations and initiatives 

Weather forecasts from our partners