PhD Representatives

At IMK we have an established PhD Council with elected representatives. The current PhD Representatives are:

  • Simran Chopra, a third year PhD student in the group of Aerosol and Reactive Tracer Modelling

We currently have about 10 people involved in the PhD Council but we are always looking for more people to join us in creating a better environment for our fellow PhD students! Some of our projects at the moment include:

  • the development of the IMK wiki where all useful info for our colleagues will be gathered
  • a buddy system for incoming PhDs
  • Organisation of PhD retreats, socials and seminars

If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions please send us an email!

Doing a Doctorate at IMK

Here you can find important links and documents how to receive a PhD at KIT and IMK.

  • The KIT Doctoral Regulations of the Faculty of Physics to obtain a Doctorate in Natural Sciences (version dated March 27, 2017).

  • Doctoral students at KIT get support by the KHYS (Karlsruher House of Young Scientists) programme. Since 01.01.2015, new doctoral students are obliged to register at KHYS. In addition KHYS provides a handbook for doctoral students and informs on its webpage how to conclude on a doctoral agreement.

  • Many doctoral students at the IMK make use of the offers and chances of the GRACE Graduate School of the Climate and Environment Center. Further information about the GRACE profile and the registration can be found here:

  • The Doctoral Convention of the Faculty of Physics ( is dedicated to the interests of doctoral students in physics, meteorology and geophysics. Every doctoral student enrolled at the Faculty of Physics can participate in the work of the Doctoral Convention.

  • The doctorate is completed at the Faculty of Physics with a doctoral examination. Protocols are prepared by the candidates for the following doctoral students.

  • Templates for the dissertation can be found here.

For more internal information please head over to the Wiki (under construction)