Current measurements and observations in Karlsruhe

Wetterstation Segelfluggelände Rheinstetten
The operation of the weather station Hertzstraße has been discontinued.
For weather data for Karlsruhe city centre, you can access the data from the Physikhochhaus weather station (

The weather stations operated by IMKTRO are being renewed. The data will be available soon.

Wetterstation Karlsruhe Physikhochhaus (KIT/CS)
The weather stations operated by IMKTRO are being renewed. The data will be available soon.

Wetterstation Hornisgrinde

Messungen vom 200m-Mast am KIT/Campus Nord

C-Band Niederschlagsradar

am KIT/Campus Nord

in Kooperation mit der Firma "Radar-Info"


AERONET Station Karlsruhe
(Aerosol Robotic Network)