Full professors
Name Phone E-mail Room Role in Institute Management
+49 721 608 43587 corinna hoose does-not-exist.kit edu 13-4 Head of WG "Cloud Physics" and Dean of Studies
peter knippertz does-not-exist.kit edu CS 30.23 13-01 (+CN 435 704) Head of WG "Atmospheric Dynamics", Institute Director (Large-scale Research Sector of IMK-TRO)
joaquim pinto does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 517 Head of WG "Regional Climate and Weather Hazards", Spokeperson of the collegial institute management team, AXA Research Fund Chair
martina klose does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 320 Head of WG "Mineral Dust"
Name Title E-mail Phone Room
Dr. simon ageet does-not-exist.kit edu CS 30.23 13-15
Dr. tanvir ahmed does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 510
M.Sc. inovasita alifdini does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 514
Dr. M. Sc. markus augenstein does-not-exist.kit edu CN
  andreas baer does-not-exist.kit edu  
Dr. Dr. soner bagcaci does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 502
Dr. christian barthlott does-not-exist.kit edu CS 30.23 13-3
Dr. rer. nat. sascha bierbauer does-not-exist.kit edu  
M.Sc. may bohmann does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 517
Dr. maurus borne does-not-exist.kit edu CS 30.23 13.11
Dr. rer. nat. christoph braun does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 515
Dr. rer. nat. Dr. ferdinand briegel does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 517
Dr. julia bruckert does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 208
MSc. andrea campoverde does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 514
Dr. rer. nat. dwaipayan chatterjee does-not-exist.kit edu CS 30.23 13-15
  noel chawang does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 316a
M.Sc. svenja christ does-not-exist.kit edu 435 513
M. Sc. shun chung does-not-exist.kit edu CS 30.23 13-12b
Dr. evgenii churiulin does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435
Dr. PhD eleonora cusinato does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 513
Diplom Meteorologin beata czajka does-not-exist.kit edu 0721 608-46934 CS 30.23 13-06
M. Sc. felix dehnen does-not-exist.kit edu CS 30.23 13-06
M. Sc. sara dicks does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 503
  ines dillerup does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 513
M. Sc viktoria duerlich does-not-exist.kit edu CS 30.23 13.12a
Dr. rer. nat. florian ehmele does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 510
Dr. lea eisenstein does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 508
  hendrik feldmann does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 506
PhD jannick fischer does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 306
Dr. armenia franco-diaz does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 515
  philipp gasch does-not-exist.kit edu  
Dr. sanhita ghosh does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 214
M.Sc. jasmin haupt does-not-exist.kit edu CN 453 224
M.Sc.   CN 435 310
Dr. rer. nat. marie hundhausen does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 508
M.Sc gokul kambrath does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 306
Dr. rer. nat. behrooz keshtgar does-not-exist.kit edu CS 30.23 13-05
Dr. Dr. woon kim does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 515
Dr. bastian kirsch does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 219
M. Sc. tatiana klimiuk does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 517
M. Sc. katharina kuepfer does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 306
Dr. pankaj kumar does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435
M. Sc. melissa latt does-not-exist.kit edu 435
Dr. rer. nat. alexander lemburg does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 516
Dr.   CN 435 316a
M. Sc. siyu li does-not-exist.kit edu  
Dr. katharina loewe does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435
Dr. marlon maranan does-not-exist.kit edu CS 30.23 13-08
M. Sc. katharina maurer does-not-exist.kit edu CS 30.23 13.12a
M.Sc. Mathematical Physics julian meusel does-not-exist.kit edu CS 30.23 13-05
M.Sc. hannah meyer does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 314
M.Sc. christine mihalyfi-dean does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435
M.Sc. fabian mockert does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 217
Dr. mohr does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 305
Dr. rer. nat. lisa muth does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 216
  prabhakar namdev does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 224
M.Sc. duc nguyen2 does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 501
Dr. PhD pushpa pandey does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 310
M.Sc. sonal rami does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 217
Dr. athul satheesh does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 508
  natalie ratcliffe does-not-exist.kit edu 435 314
Dr. corinna rebmann does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 308
M. Sc. felix rein does-not-exist.kit edu CS 30.23 13-11
M.Sc. tiago ferreira does-not-exist.partner kit edu 435 514
M.Sc. melina sebisch does-not-exist.kit edu CS 30.23 13-06
Dr. Ph.D. namendra shahi does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 502
M. Sc. miriam simm does-not-exist.kit edu CS 30.23 13-05
M. Sc. christian sperka does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 308
M.Sc. kim stadelmaier does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 508
M.Sc. julia thomas does-not-exist.kit edu CN
M.Sc. mathis tonn does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 308
Dr. alexandre ramos does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 516
Dr. magdalena vallon does-not-exist.kit edu 435
  sebastian vergara does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 316b
  gabriella wallentin does-not-exist.kit edu  
Dr. deepak waman does-not-exist.kit edu CS 30.23 13-05
  yukun yang does-not-exist.kit edu CN 435 302
Dr. fatemeh zarei does-not-exist.kit edu CS 30.23 13.7
2 additional persons visible within KIT only.
Name Title Phone E-mail Room
M. Sc. yiping yu does-not-exist.kit edu CS 30.23 13-12b
1 additional person visible within KIT only.