Questions about questions...
You seem to have questions.
In the information and advice section, we have tried to collect all relevant information and contacts. Especially at the beginning of your studies you have to cope with many things at the same time. The demands can quickly get on top of you. It's always important to stay calm. Most first-year students feel the same way you do. We know this and are here to support you. So if you find that you're struggling to cope with your new living situation or the demands of studying, if you need specialist support for a lecture, or if you have questions about the legal framework for your studies (SPO), take a look here. We have divided the information into three sections:
Information about the beginning of your studies
Advice and support throughout your studies and your final thesis
Contact persons at faculty level such as the examination board (orientation examination, recognition of achievements, extension of deadlines, etc.), examination secretariat, counseling for students with disabilities and chronic diseases, but also psychological support and counseling)
Before you get started, we would like to say a few words to you. We try to keep the information about our study programs as up-to-date as possible. This includes the names of the contact persons in the respective areas. Despite the greatest care, this is not always possible. If you find any errors on the pages of the meteorology department, just send a short mail to Kathi Maurer. She will then make sure that the information is updated as soon as possible. And now have fun browsing!
Your Team Teaching
Fachstudienberatung Meteorologie und Klimaphysik
+49 721 608-46752
katharina maurer ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
30.23 Campus Süd