Namendra Kumar Shahi, Ph.D.

Namendra Kumar Shahi, Ph.D.

  • Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
    76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany


  • Coming Decade

Research Interests

  • High-resolution regional climate modeling
  • Climate variability and its predictability
  • High-impact weather events and climate change

Curriculum Vitae

  • 09/2022 – 05/2024: Postdoctoral Fellow, Institut des Géosciences de l'Environnement (IGE), Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA), Grenoble, France
  • 10/2021 – 08/2022: Postdoctoral Fellow, Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC), Bologna, Italy
  • 01/2019 – 08/2021: Postdoctoral Fellow, CNRS-IPSL Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMD), École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
  • 06/2018 – 09/2018: STEP Visiting Fellow, The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy
  • 09/2017 – 12/2017: STEP Visiting Fellow, The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy
  • 05/2015 – 05/2019: Ph.D. student, K.B.C.A.O.S., University of Allahabad, India
  • 08/2013 – 08/2017: Junior and Senior Research Fellow, K.B.C.A.O.S., University of Allahabad, India


  1. Pant, M., Shahi, N.K., Remedio, A.R. et al. Representing rainfall extremes over the Indo-Gangetic Plains using CORDEX-CORE simulations. Clim Dyn 62, 3721–3742 (2024).
  2. Shahi, N.K., Rai, S. An increase in widespread extreme precipitation events during the northeast monsoon season over south peninsular India. Sci Rep 13, 22757 (2023).
  3. Shahi, N.K., Rai, S., Verma, S. et al. Assessment of future changes in high-impact precipitation events for India using CMIP6 models. Theor Appl Climatol 151, 843–857 (2023).
  4. Shahi, N.K. Fidelity of the latest high-resolution CORDEX-CORE regional climate model simulations in the representation of the Indian summer monsoon precipitation characteristics. Clim Dyn (2022).
  5. Verma, Shruti, R. Bhatla, N. K. Shahi, and R. K. Mall. Regional modulating behavior of Indian summer monsoon rainfall in context of spatio-temporal variation of drought and flood events. Atmos Res 274 (2022): 106201.
  6. Shahi, N.K., Polcher‬, J., Bastin, S. et al. Assessment of the spatio-temporal variability of the added value on precipitation of convection-permitting simulation over the Iberian Peninsula using the RegIPSL regional earth system model. Clim Dyn 59, 471–498 (2022).
  7. Shahi, N.K., Rai, S., Sahai, A.K. et al. Prediction of dominant daily modes of the Indian summer monsoon in the NCEP GFS model. Meteorol Atmos Phys 133, 1009–1027 (2021).
  8. Shahi, N.K., Das, S., Ghosh, S. et al. Projected changes in the mean and intra-seasonal variability of the Indian summer monsoon in the RegCM CORDEX-CORE simulations under higher warming conditions. Clim Dyn 57, 1489–1506 (2021).
  9. Shahi, N.K., Rai, S. & Sahai, A.K. The relationship between the daily dominant monsoon modes of South Asia and SST. Theor Appl Climatol 142, 59–70 (2020).
  10. Shahi, N.K., Rai, S. & Mishra, N. Recent predictors of Indian summer monsoon based on Indian and Pacific Ocean SST. Meteorol Atmos Phys 131, 525–539 (2019).
  11. Shahi, N.K., Rai, S. & Mishra, N. Southern Indian Ocean SST as a modulator for the progression of Indian summer monsoon. Theor Appl Climatol 131, 705–717 (2018).
  12. Shahi, N. K., Rai, S., Sahai, A. K., & Abhilash, S. (2018). Intra‐seasonal variability of the South Asian monsoon and its relationship with the Indo–Pacific sea‐surface temperature in the NCEP CFSv2. International Journal of Climatology.
  13. Shahi, N.K., Rai, S. & Pandey, D.K. Prediction of daily modes of South Asian monsoon variability and its association with Indian and Pacific Ocean SST in the NCEP CFS V2. Meteorol Atmos Phys 128, 131–142 (2016).
  14. ANDEY, D.K., RAI, S., SAHAI, A.K. et al. Prediction and error growth in the daily forecast of precipitation from the NCEP CFSv2 over the subdivisions of Indian subcontinent. J Earth Syst Sci 125, 29–45 (2016).