Martin Kohler

  • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
    Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research
    Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
    76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen

Peer-reviewed journals

The impact of aerosols and model grid spacing on a supercell storm from Swabian MOSES 2021
Barthlott, C.; Czajka, B.; Kunz, M.; Saathoff, H.; Zhang, H.; Böhmländer, A.; Gasch, P.; Handwerker, J.; Kohler, M.; Wilhelm, J.; Wieser, A.; Hoose, C.
2024. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 150 (761), 2005–2027. doi:10.1002/qj.4687
First implementation of a new cross-disciplinary observation strategy for heavy precipitation events from formation to flooding
Wieser, A.; Güntner, A.; Dietrich, P.; Handwerker, J.; Khordakova, D.; Ködel, U.; Kohler, M.; Mollenhauer, H.; Mühr, B.; Nixdorf, E.; Reich, M.; Rolf, C.; Schrön, M.; Schütze, C.; Weber, U.
2023. Environmental Earth Sciences, 82 (17), Art.-Nr.: 406. doi:10.1007/s12665-023-11050-7
A meteorological dataset of the West African monsoon during the 2016 DACCIWA campaign
Kohler, M.; Bessardon, G.; Brooks, B.; Kalthoff, N.; Lohou, F.; Adler, B.; Olawale Jegede, O.; Altstädter, B.; Amekudzi, L. K.; Aryee, J. N. A.; Atiah, W. A.; Ayoola, M.; Babić, K.; Bärfuss, K.; Bezombes, Y.; Bret, G.; Brilouet, P.-E.; Cayle-Aethelhard, F.; Danuor, S.; Delon, C.; Derrien, S.; Dione, C.; Durand, P.; Fosu-Amankwah, K.; Gabella, O.; Groves, J.; Handwerker, J.; Jambert, C.; Kunka, N.; Lampert, A.; Leclercq, J.; Lothon, M.; Medina, P.; Miere, A.; Pätzold, F.; Pedruzo-Bagazgoitia, X.; Reinares Martínez, I.; Sharpe, S.; Smith, V.; Wieser, A.
2022. Scientific Data, 9 (1), Art.Nr.: 174. doi:10.1038/s41597-022-01277-7
Swabian MOSES 2021: An interdisciplinary field campaign for investigating convective storms and their event chains
Kunz, M.; Abbas, S. S.; Bauckholt, M.; Böhmländer, A.; Feuerle, T.; Gasch, P.; Glaser, C.; Groß, J.; Hajnsek, I.; Handwerker, J.; Hase, F.; Khordakova, D.; Knippertz, P.; Kohler, M.; Lange, D.; Latt, M.; Laube, J.; Martin, L.; Mauder, M.; Möhler, O.; Mohr, S.; Reitter, R. W.; Rettenmeier, A.; Rolf, C.; Saathoff, H.; Schrön, M.; Schütze, C.; Spahr, S.; Späth, F.; Vogel, F.; Völksch, I.; Weber, U.; Wieser, A.; Wilhelm, J.; Zhang, H.; Dietrich, P.
2022. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, Art.Nr. 999593. doi:10.3389/feart.2022.999593
A new far-field low-frequency electromagnetic method for measurement of temporal variations in subsurface electrical conductivity averaged over a transect
Kiseleva, O.; Brandelik, A.; Hübner, C.; Kalthoff, N.; Kohler, M.; Königer, F.; Kottmeier, C.
2018. Near surface geophysics, 16 (5), 573–590. doi:10.1002/nsg.12009
An overview of the diurnal cycle of the atmospheric boundary layer during the West African monsoon season: Results from the 2016 observational campaign
Kalthoff, N.; Lohou, F.; Brooks, B.; Jegede, G.; Adler, B.; Babić, K.; Dione, C.; Ajao, A.; Amekudzi, L. K.; Aryee, J. N. A.; Ayoola, M.; Bessardon, G.; Danuor, S. K.; Handwerker, J.; Kohler, M.; Lothon, M.; Pedruzo-Bagazgoitia, X.; Smith, V.; Sunmonu, L.; Wieser, A.; Fink, A. H.; Knippertz, P.
2018. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 18, 2913–2928. doi:10.5194/acp-18-2913-2018
Trends in temperature and wind speed from 40 years of observations at a 200-m high meteorological tower in Southwest Germany
Kohler, M.; Metzger, J.; Kalthoff, N.
2018. International journal of climatology, 38 (1), 23–34. doi:10.1002/joc.5157
The HD(CP)² Observational Prototype Experiment (HOPE) – an overview
Macke, A.; Seifert, P.; Baars, H.; Barthlott, C.; Beekmans, C.; Behrendt, A.; Bohn, B.; Brueck, M.; Bühl, J.; Crewell, S.; Damian, T.; Deneke, H.; Düsing, S.; Foth, A.; Di Girolamo, P.; Hammann, E.; Heinze, R.; Hirsikko, A.; Kalisch, J.; Kalthoff, N.; Kinne, S.; Kohler, M.; Löhnert, U.; Madhavan, B. L.; Maurer, V.; Muppa, S. K.; Schween, J.; Serikov, I.; Siebert, H.; Simmer, C.; Späth, F.; Steinke, S.; Träumner, K.; Trömel, S.; Wehner, B.; Wieser, A.; Wulfmeyer, V.; Xie, X.
2017. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 17 (7), 4887–4914. doi:10.5194/acp-17-4887-2017
The role of Corsica in initiating nocturnal offshore convection
Barthlott, C.; Adler, B.; Kalthoff, N.; Handwerker, J.; Kohler, M.; Wieser, A.
2016. Quarterly journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 142 (S1), 222–237. doi:10.1002/qj.2415
The variability of water vapour and pre-convective conditions over the mountainous island of Corsica
Adler, B.; Kalthoff, N.; Kohler, M.; Handwerker, J.; Wieser, A.; Corsmeier, U.; Kottmeier, C.; Lambert, D.; Bock, O.
2016. Quarterly journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 142 (S1), 335–346. doi:10.1002/qj.2545
Observed spatiotemporal variability of boundary-layer turbulence over flat, heterogeneous terrain
Maurer, V.; Kalthoff, N.; Wieser, A.; Kohler, M.; Mauder, M.; Gantner, L.
2016. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16 (3), 1377–1400. doi:10.5194/acp-16-1377-2016
Observed spatial variability of boundary-layer turbulence over flat, heterogeneous terrain
Maurer, V.; Kalthoff, N.; Wieser, A.; Kohler, M.; Mauder, M.
2015. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 15 (13), 18011–18064. doi:10.5194/acpd-15-18011-2015
KITcube - A mobile observation platform for convection studies deployed during HyMeX
Kalthoff, N.; Adler, B.; Wieser, A.; Kohler, M.; Träumner, K.; Handwerker, J.; Corsmeier, U.; Khodayar, S.; Lambert, D.; Kopmann, A.; Kunka, N.; Dick, G.; Ramatschi, M.; Wickert, J.; Kottmeier, C.
2013. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 22 (6), 633–647. doi:10.1127/0941-2948/2013/0542
Validation of two SVAT models for different periods during the West African monsoon
Kohler, M.; Schädler, G.; Gantner, L.; Kalthoff, N.; Königer, F.; Kottmeier, C.
2012. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 21 (5), 509–524. doi:10.1127/0941-2948/2012/0490
The dependence of convection‐related parameters on surface and boundary‐layer conditions over complex terrain
Kalthoff, N.; Kohler, M.; Barthlott, C.; Adler, B.; Mobbs, S. D.; Corsmeier, U.; Träumner, K.; Foken, T.; Eigenmann, R.; Krauss, L.; Khodayar, S.; Girolamo, P. di
2011. Quarterly journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 137 (1), 70–80. doi:10.1002/qj.686
Surface energy balance and turbulence network during the Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study (COPS)
Eigenmann, R.; Kalthoff, N.; Foken, T.; Dorninger, M.; Kohler, M.; Legan, D.; Pigeon, G.; Piguet, B.; Schüttenmeyer, D.; Traulle, O.
2011. Quarterly journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 137 (S1), 57–69. doi:10.1002/qj.704
The impact of mesoscale convective systems on the surface and boundary-layer structure in West Africa: Case-studies from the AMMA campaign 2006
Schwendike, J.; Kalthoff, N.; Kohler, M.
2010. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 136 (648), 566–582. doi:10.1002/qj.599
The impact of soil moisture modifications on CBL characteristics in West Africa: A case-study from the AMMA campaign
Kohler, M.; Kalthoff, N.; Kottmeier, C.
2010. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 136 (S1), 442–455. doi:10.1002/qj.430
Observations of Kinematics and Thermodynamic Structure Surrounding a Convective Storm Cluster over a Low Mountain Range
Groenemeijer, P.; Barthlott, C.; Behrendt, A.; Corsmeier, U.; Handwerker, J.; Kohler, M.; Kottmeier, C. [. a. ].; Mahlke, H.; Pal, S.; Radlach, M.; Trentmann, J.; Wieser, A.; Wulfmeyer, V.
2009. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 137 (2), 585–602. doi:10.1175/2008MWR2562.1
Evolution of the atmospheric boundary-layer structure of an arid Andes Valley
Khodayar, S.; Kalthoff, N.; Fiebig-Wittmaack, M.; Kohler, M.
2008. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 99 (3), 181–198. doi:10.1007/s00703-007-0274-3
The convective storm initiation project
Browning, K. A.; Blyth, A. M.; Clark, P. A.; Corsmeier, U.; Morcrette, C. J.; Agnew, J. L.; Ballard, S. P.; Bamber, D.; Barthlott, C.; Bennett, L. J.; Beswick, K. M.; Bitter, M.; Bozier, K. E.; Brooks, B. J.; Collier, C. G.; Davies, F.; Deny, B.; Dixon, M. A.; Feuerle, T.; Forbes, R. M.; Gaffard, C.; Gray, M. D.; Hankers, R.; Hewison, T. J.; Kalthoff, N.; Khodayar, S.; Kohler, M.; Kottmeier, C.; Kraut, S.; Kunz, M.; Ladd, D. N.; Lean, H. W.; Lenfant, J.; Li, Z.; Marsham, J.; McGregor, J.; Mobbs, S. D.; Nicol, J.; Norton, E.; Parker, D. J.; Perry, F.; Ramatschi, M.; Ricketts, H. M. A.; Roberts, N. M.; Russel, A.; Schulz, H.; Slack, E. C.; Vaughan, G.; Waight, J.; Wareing, D. P.; Watson, R. J.; Webb, A. R.; Wieser, A.
2007. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 88, 1939–55. doi:10.1175/BAMS-88-12-1939
Variable cirrus shading during CSIP IOP 5. I: Effects on the initiation of convection
Marsham, J. H.; Morcrette, C. J.; Browning, K. A.; Blyth, A. M.; Parker, D. J.; Corsmeier, U.; Kalthoff, N.; Kohler, M.
2007. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 133 (628), 1643–1660. doi:10.1002/qj.124
The energy balance, evapo-transpiration and nocturnal dew deposition of an arid valley in the Andes
Kalthoff, N.; Fiebig-Wittmaack, M.; Meißner, C.; Kohler, M.; Uriarte, M.; Bischoff-Gauß, I.; Gonzales, E.
2006. Journal of arid environments, 65, 420–443. doi:10.1016/j.jaridenv.2005.08.013
Quality assurance of air pollutant measurements during the BAB II field experiment
Vogt, U.; Dreiseidler, A.; Baumbach, G.; Kurtenbach, R.; Petrea, M.; Kohler, M.; Corsmeier, U.
2005. Atmospheric environment, 39 (31), 5642–5664. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2005.03.003
Estimation of gaseous real-world traffic emissions downstream a motorway
Kohler, M.; Corsmeier, U.; Vogt, U.; Vogel, B.
2005. Atmospheric environment, 39, 5665–5684. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2004.09.088
Vehicle-induced turbulence near a motorway
Kalthoff, N.; Bäumer, D.; Corsmeier, U.; Kohler, M.; Vogel, B.
2005. Atmospheric environment, 39, 5737–5749. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2004.06.048
Vertical distribution of aerosol particles and NOₓ close to a motorway
Imhof, D.; Weingartner, E.; Vogt, U.; Dreiseidler, A.; Rosenbohm, E.; Scheer, V.; Vogt, R.; Nielsen, O. J.; Kurtenbach, R.; Corsmeier, U.; Kohler, M.; Baltensperger, U.
2005. Atmospheric environment, 39 (31), 5710–5721. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2004.07.036
BAB II : A project to evaluate the accuracy of real-world traffic emissions for a motorway
Corsmeier, U.; Kohler, M.; Vogel, B.; Vogel, H.; Fiedler, F.
2005. Atmospheric environment, 39 (31), 5627–5641. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2004.08.056
Comparison of measured and model-calculated real-world traffic emissions
Corsmeier, U.; Imhof, D.; Kohler, M.; Kühlwein, J.; Kurtenbach, R.; Petrea, M.; Rosenbohm, E.; Vogel, B.; Vogt, U.
2005. Atmospheric environment, 39, 5760–5775. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2005.06.048

Other publications

Swabian MOSES 2021 – Eine Messkampagne zur Untersuchung hydro-meteorologischer Extreme und deren Folgen in Baden-Württemberg
Behrendt, A.; Dietrich, P.; Escher, B.; Feuerle, T.; Gasch, P.; Glaser, C.; Hajnsek, I.; Handwerker, J.; Hase, F.; Kiese, R.; Khordakova, D.; Knippertz, P.; Kohler, M.; Kunz, M.; Mauder, M.; Möhler, O.; Reitter, R.; Rode, M.; Rolf, C.; Saathoff, H.; Schütze, C.; Spahr, S.; Späth, F.; Tillmann, R.; Weber, U.; Wieser, A.; Wilhelm, J.
2022. DACH Meteorologietagung (2022), Leipzig, Germany, March 21–25, 2022
Radiosondendaten der MOSES-Messkampagne Hydrex 2019
Kohler, M.
2021, April 28. (Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung, Ed.). doi:10.5445/IR/1000098211
Research highlights obtained with the mobile observation platform KITcube
Adler, B.; Kalthoff, N.; Wieser, A.; Kohler, M.; Handwerker, J.; Metzger, J.; Corsmeier, U.; Kiseleva, O.; Kottmeier, C.
2018. 19th International Symposium for the Advancement of Boundary-Layer Remote Sensing (ISARS 2018), Cologne, Germany, May 22–25, 2018
Overview of the DACCIWA ground-based field campaign in southern West Africa
Lohou, F.; Kalthoff, N.; Brooks, B.; Jegede, G.; Adler, B.; Ajao, A.; Ayoola, M.; Babic, K.; Bessardon, G.; Delon, C.; Dione, C.; Handwerker, J.; Jambert, C.; Kohler, M.; Lothon, M.; Pedruzo-Bagazgoita, X.; Smith, V.; Sunmonu, L.; Wieser, A.
2017. European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU 2017), Vienna, Austria, April 23–28, 2017
Evolution of the atmospheric boundary layer in southern West Africa - an overview from the DACCIWA field campaign
Kalthoff, N.; Lohou, F.; Brooks, B.; Jegede, G.; Adler, B.; Ajao, A.; Ayoola, M.; Babic, K.; Bessardon, G.; Delon, C.; Dione, C.; Handwerker, J.; Jambert, C.; Kohler, M.; Lothon, M.; Pedruzo-Bagazgoita, X.; Smith, V.; Sunmonu, L.; Wieser, A.
2017. European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU 2017), Vienna, Austria, April 23–28, 2017
Towards the assimilation of KITcube data
Gläser, G.; Knippertz, P.; Kalthoff; N.; Hoose, C.; Khodayar, S.; Fink, A. H.; Kohler, M.; Barthlott, C.; Handwerker, J.; Maurer, V.; Adler, B.; Gantner, L.; Wieser, A.; Kopmann, A.
2016. COSMO User Seminar, 7.-9. März 2016, Offenbach
A new far-field low frequency electromagnetic method for continuous measurement of large area integrated soil moisture
Kiseleva, O.; Brandelik, A.; Hübner, C.; Kalthoff, N.; Kohler, M.; Königer, F.; Kottmeier, C.
2016. Intenational Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances (ISEMA), Florence, I, May 23-27, 2016
Water-vapour variability over the mountainous island Corsica during the HyMeX field campaign
Kalthoff, N.; Adler, B.; Kohler, M.; Wieser, A.; Corsmeier, U.; Kottmeier, C.; Lambert, D.; Bock, O.
2014. 14th EMS Annual Meeting & 10th European Conference on Applied Climatology (ECAC), Praha, CZ, October 6-10, 2014
A new approach to investigate soil moisture dynamics by radio waves
Kiseleva, O.; Hübner, C.; Brandelik, A.; Kalthoff, N.; Kohler, M.; Königer, F.; Kottmeier, C.
2014. From Observation to Prediction in Terrestial Systems : TERENO International Conference, Bonn, September 29 - October 2, 2014
Spatial distribution and temporal development of water vapour over the mountainous island Corsica
Kalthoff, N.; Adler, B.; Kohler, M.; Handwerker, J.; Wieser, A.; Corsmeier, U.; Kottmeier, C.; Lambert, D.; Bock, O.
2014. 16th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, San Diego, Calif., August 18-22, 2014
Spatio-temporal evolution of water vapour over the Corsican island
Adler, B.; Kalthoff, N.; Kohler, M.; Handwerker, J.; Wieser, A.; Corsmeier, U.; Kottmeier, C.; Lambert, D.; Bock, O.
2014. 8th HyMeX International Workshop, Valletta, Malta, 15th - 18th September 2014
Nocturnal offshore convection near the island of Corsica
Barthlott, C.; Adler, B.; Kalthoff, N.; Handwerker, J.; Kohler, M.; Wieser, A.
2014. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Wien, A, April 27 - May 2, 2014 Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16(2014) EGU2014-6083
Messverfahren zur Bodenfeuchtebestimmung mit Hilfe von Radiowellen im Langwellenbereich
Kiseleva, O.; Hübner, C.; Brandelik, A.; Kalthoff, N.; Kohler, M.; Königer, F.; Kottmeier, C.
2014. Tag der Hydrologie 2014, Eichstätt, 20.-21.März 2014 Abstracts
Verfahren zur räumlich integrierten Bodenfeuchtemessung unter Verwendung der Bodenwelle des Langwellensenders DCF77
Kiseleva, O.; Hübner, C.; Brandelik, A.; Kalthoff, N.; Kohler, M.; Königer, F.; Kottmeier, C.
2014. 74. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG), Karlsruhe, 10.-13.März 2014 Abstracts
Spatial variability of particle number concentrations in an urban agglomeration
Hagemann, R.; Corsmeier, U.; Wieser, A.; Kohler, M.; Ferrone, A.; Kottmeier, C.; Vogel, B.
2012. 11th Urban Environment Symp. (11UES), Karlsruhe, September 16-19, 2012
Probing the Mediterranean convection with KITcube
Kalthoff, N.; Corsmeier, U.; Wieser, A.; Kohler, M.; Barthlott, C.; Handwerker, J.; Kottmeier, C.
2011. 5th HyMeX (HYdrological cycle in Mediterranean EXperiment) Workshop, Punta Prima, E, May 17-19, 2011
The impact of surface and boundary-layer conditions on convection-related parameters over mountainous terrain
Kalthoff, N.; Kohler, M.; Barthlott, C.; Mobbs, S.; Corsmeier, U.; Adler, B.; Träumner, K.; Foken, T.; Eigenmann, R.; Krauss, L.; Khodayar, S.; Girolamo, P. di
2010. 14th Conf.on Mountain Meteorology, Lake Tahoe, Calif., August 30 - September 3, 2010
Validation of two SVAT models for different periods during the West African monsoon
Kohler, M.; Schädler, G.; Gantner, L.; Kalthoff, N.; Königer, F.
2010. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Wien, A, May 2-7, 2010
The dependence of convection-related parameters on surface and boundary layer conditions over complex terrain: results from the COPS experiment
Kalthoff, N.; Kohler, M.; Barthlott, C.; Krauss, L.; Corsmeier, U.; Foken, T.; Eigenmann, R.; Khodayar, S.
2009. Joint Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study (COPS) / Convective Storm Initiation Project (CSIP) Meeting, Cambridge, GB, October 26- 28, 2009
The influence of soil moisture on the energy balance, boundary layer and convective instability during the pre-onset and mature phase of the African monsoon
Kohler, M.; Kalthoff, N.; Kottmeier, C.
2009. African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis (AMMA) : 3rd Internat.Conf., Ouagadougou, BF, July 20-24, 2009
Validation of two SVAT models for different periods during the West African monsoon
Kohler, M.; Schädler, G.; Gantner, L.; Kalthoff, N.; Königer, F.; Kottmeier, C.
2009. African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis (AMMA) : 3rd Internat.Conf., Ouagadougou, BF, July 20-24, 2009
The impact of MCSs on the surface and boundary layer structure: results from the special observing periods SOP 1 and SOP 2
Kalthoff, N.; Schwendike, J.; Kohler, M.
2009. African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis (AMMA) : 3rd Internat.Conf., Ouagadougou, BF, July 20-24, 2009
PRINCE: Pre-COPS measurements of a convective cluster in the northern Black Forest
Groenemeijer, P.; Barthlott, C.; Behrendt, A.; Corsmeier, U.; Handwerker, J.; Kohler, M.; Kottmeier, C.; Pal, S.; Radlach, M.; Trentmann, J.; Wieser, A.; Wulfmeyer, V.
2008. COPS Workshop, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, 27.-29.Februar 2008
Evaluation of convection-resolving model simulation in mountainous terrain
Trentmann, J.; Wernli, H.; Corsmeier, U.; Groenemeijer, P.; Handwerker, J.; Kohler, M.; Wieser, A.; Behrendt, A.; Radlach, M.; Wulfmeyer, V.
2007. 4th European Conf.on Severe Storms (ECSS), Trieste, I, September 10-14, 2007
Innovative methods for soil moisture monitoring on different spatial scales
Hauck, C.; Kalthoff, N.; Königer, F.; Kohler, M.; Krauss, L.; Mayer, M.; Preko, K.; Rings, J.
2007. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Wien, A, April 15-20, 2007 Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9(2007)
Evaluation of convection-resolving model simulations with the COSMO-model in mountainous terrain
Trentmann, J.; Corsmeier, U.; Handwerker, J.; Kohler, M.; Wernli, H.
2007. 29th Internat.Conf.on Alpine Meteorology (ICAM 2007), Chambery, F, June 4-8, 2007
Der Einfluss mesoskaliger konvektiver Systeme auf die Grenzschichtstruktur in Westafrika
Kalthoff, N.; Schwendike, J.; Kohler, M.
2007. Deutsch-Österreichisch-Schweizerische Meteorologen-Tagung (DACH 2007), Hamburg, 10.-14.September 2007
Multi-sensor measurements of a convective storm cluster over a low mountain range: adaptive observations during PRINCE
Groenemeijer, P.; Barthlott, C.; Behrendt, A.; Betz, H. D.; Corsmeier, U.; Handwerker, J.; Höller, H.; Keil, C.; Kohler, M.; Kottmeier, C.; Pal, S.; Radlach, M.; Trentmann, J.; Wieser, A.; Wulfmeyer, V.
2007. 4th European Conf.on Severe Storms (ECSS), Trieste, I, September 10-14, 2007
Soil moisture variability and the impact of soil moisture on the energy balance and PBL structure
Kohler, M.; Preko, K.; Kalthoff, N.; Gantner, L.; Schädler, G.; Kottmeier, C.
2007. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Wien, A, April 15-20, 2007
Case studies of MCS characteristics in West Africa from AMMA SOP1 campaign
Schwendike, J.; Kalthoff, N.; Kohler, M.
2007. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Wien, A, April 15-20, 2007
Modelling of convective systems in the Burkina Faso/Ghana area with the regional model LM
Heidt, S.; Kalthoff, N.; Schädler, G.; Kohler, M.; Kottmeier, C.
2005. African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis (AMMA) : 1st Internat.Conf., Dakar, SN, November 28 - December 4, 2005