Research and Projects

Our research focal points are:

  1. Improvement of our current understanding of physical processes leading to the occurrence of extreme weather and climatological events

  2. Enhancement of our understanding of natural climate variability in terms of frequency and intensity of extreme events

  3. Development of adequate projections of possible changes in frequency and intensity of extreme events at regional scales

  4. The risk assessment of extreme weather events related impacts in a changing climate

  5. The development of an effective knowledge exchange with stakeholders
Ongoing projects of working group "Water Cycle and Weather Hazards"
Title Contact

H. Feldmann, Prof. Dr. Ch. Kottmeier, Prof. Dr. J.G. Pinto, Prof. Dr. A. Fink, Prof. Dr. M. Kunz, Dr. S. Mohr, Dr. A. Voigt

Prof. Dr. J. G. Pinto, H. Feldmann, Dr. J. Mömken, Dr. F. Ehmele

Prof. J.G. Pinto, Dr. J. Mömken

Other Projects

Extreme weather events under recent climate conditions. Aon Impact Forecasting, London (UK) and Prague (CZ), 2016-2025.

Impact of recurrent extreme drought events and shrub invasion on Mediterranean cork-oak ecosystem functioning and resilience. German Research Foundation (DFG), Germany, finished 2022.


Abgeschlossene Projekte
Title Contact
Prof. Dr. Ch. Kottmeier, Prof. Dr. J. Pinto,
H. Feldmann, Dr. G. Schädler,
Dr. H.-J. Panitz, Dr. M. Breil