Efficient radar forward operator for the operational data assimilation
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Prof. Dr. K. D. Beheng, Dr. U. Blahak (DWD)
The radar data of a network as is operated by the German Weather Service (DWD) with 16 radars contain unique 3D information on clouds, precipitation and radial velocity in very high temporal and spatial resolution. Such data can in principle directly be assimilated in the process of numerical weather prediction after the data to be assimilated by a modern method (3D-Var, 4D-Var) have been derived from model data by forward operators. The radar simulation, however, can be very complex the more processes should be considered and the more detailed the calculations should be performed (as, e.g., consideration of attenutation, beam spreading, ground clutter, Mie scattering and polarization parameters). Goal of the project is the development of a radar forward operator working with the data of the future DWD radar network capable to analyze polarization properties of the (back-) scattered signals. This operator should be (numerically) efficient without loss of accuracy. The method should comprise an operational parallel-vectorized application as well as a postprecessing capability. The project, funded by DWD in the framework of extra-mural research by two PhD-posts, has been elected in 2009 and is one out of nine proposals chosen for funding from a large number of proposals. From DWD Dr. Ulrich Blahak from the DWD-division FE 1 is the responsible supervisor and cooperation-partner.
Ulrich Blahak 2), Yuefei Zeng 1), Dorit Epperlein 1)
Radar forward operator for data assimilation and model verification for The COSMO-model
35th Conference on Radar Meteorology, 26-30 September 2011, Pittsburgh, USA
1) Institute for Meteorology und Climate Research, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), 2) German Weather Service (Deutscher Wetterdienst, DWD)
Further literature:
Epperlein, D., Zeng, Y., Blahak, U.
Poster: Radar forward operator for verification of real case cloud simulations in the COSMO-model
16th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, Leipzig, 30.07.-03.08.2012