Willis Research Network Seminar at 13th May 2015

02.04.2015: Exploring European Extremes: An Afternoon with Willis


Willis would like to invite you to an afternoon of insights from the Willis Research Network (WRN). The event, which is to be held from 14:00-17:00 on May 13th, will cover some of the most recent developments by the WRN and how these are being implemented in re/insurance risk management decision making.

First, we will explore European Hail.  We have seen two successive years with significant hail losses in Europe. “Ela” in June 2014 hit France, Belgium and Germany causing billions of euros worth of damage, whilst the summer before saw similar insured losses, again in Germany, when “Andreas”, “Franz” and “Manni” hit the country.  This session will feature Dr Michael Kunz, WRN Senior Academic and Deputy CEDIM Coordinator at the Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), and look at the Hail phenomena and include discussion of the advanced Willis probabilistic European hail model developed with KIT.

The second session will be led by WRN Senior Academic Professor David Stephenson from the University of Exeter, who will provide you main updates from ongoing research into European Windstorm Clustering. As it becomes part of the regulatory view of wind risk In Europe, capturing true clustering behaviour continues to be at the leading edge of WRN research .  Geoff Saville, WRN Atmospheric Scientist, will conclude the session with an overview of European Wind analytics capabilities at Willis.

The event will feature introductory and closing remarks from Dr Rick Thomas, Willis Re Director of the Willis Research Network, including a contextual overview of the current re/insurance market.

Following the event there will be a chance to network over drinks.

Please feel welcome to forward this invitation to other contacts who may be interested.  The event is free, but registration is required at wrn∂willis.com

For more information on the Willis Research Network please visit http://www.willisresearchnetwork.com.