Master theses at the IMK-TRO
Further theses can be found on the websites of the supervising institutes IMK-ASF and IMK-AAF in the publications section
title | person in charge | tutor |
The Thermohaline Circulation and its Impacts on the European Storm Tracks | Voigt, Juliane
Pinto, J., Fink. A. |
Impact of wind shear on aerosol–cloud interactions and convective precipitation | Tonn, Mathis |
Hoose, C; Kunz M. |
Development of a Machine Learning Model for Hail Prediction in Germany | Li, Siyu |
Kunz, M., Knippertz, P.
title | person in charge | Tutor |
Do Saharan dust outbreaks affect weather forecast skill in Europe? | Grams, C., Hoose, C. |
Predicting the forecast skill for the European region with the use of machine learning models | Grams, C., Knippertz, P. |
Investigation of Drop Size Distributions recorded by a Network of Disdrometers during the Swabian MOSES Campaign 2021 | Kunz, M., Hoose, C. |
Spatial and temporal variability of low-level convergence zones triggering deep moist convection in south-western Germany | Kunz, M., Knippertz, P. |
title | Research Topic | tutor | person in charge |
The linkage between serial cyclone clustering and weather regimes | Grams, C., Pinto, J. |
Müller, Sebastian |
What are the potential causes of incorrect predictions of tropical cyclone intensification in medium-range ensemble forecasts? | Fink, A., Knippertz, P. |
Bauer, Nico |
Nesting Strategies for the Representation of Extreme Extratropical Stroms with the ICON-Model | Pinto, J., Fink, A. |
Guo, Ziyan |
Recurrence of drought events in Iberia in EURO-CORDEX regional climate projections | Pinto, J., Fink, A. |
Körner, Benjamin |
Titel | Master | Betreuer |
The Tropical Momentum Budget in Aquaplanet Simulations with an Ensemble of Global Climate Models | Then, Freia |
Voigt, A., Knippertz, P. |
The Influence of Sea-ice Parameterizations on the Modelling of Snowball Earth Initiation | Hörner, Johannes |
Pinto, J., Voigt, A. |
Reconstruction of the Permafrost Extent in Western Europe during the Last Glacial Maximum based on Regional Climate Model Simulations | Kim Albers |
Pinto, J., Voigt, A. |
Near-surface wind fields in the Dead Sea region from climate simulations and observational data | Körlin, Melissa |
Kottmeier, Ch., Pinto, J. |
Characteristics of Selected Major Sudden StratosphericWarming Events and their Links to European ColdWaves in Extended Range Ensemble Forecasts | Kiefer, Selina |
Pinto, J. |
title | name | tutor |
Analysis of satellite-based Temperature Profiles using six-hourly Radiosonde Data at Neumayer Station, Antarctica | Krüger, Konstantin |
Kottmeier, Ch., Cermak, J. |
A weather system perspective on winter-spring rainfall variability in southeastern Australia during El Niño | Hauser, Seraphine |
Grams, C., Knippertz, P. |
Model studies on long-range transport of biomass burning aerosols and theirinfluence on cloud ice formation | Straub, Jonas |
Vogel, B., Kottmeier, Ch. |
Sensitivity of Mixed-Phase Low-Level Clouds to Secondary Ice Formation Processes | Kuntze, Patrick |
Hoose, C., Leisner, T. |
Simulation of primary and secondary aerosols of the Mt. Pinatubo eruption 1991 and their radiative effects | Muth, Lisa |
Vogel, B., Kottmeier, Ch. |
Wind profiles from dual-Doppler lidar in the complex terrain around Stuttgart | Wittkamp, Niklas |
Kalthoff, N., Adler, B. |
Analyse von Definitionen von Hitze- und Kältewellen in Europa | Becker, Florian |
Fink,A., Bissolli, P. |
title | name | tutor |
Einfluss von Pollenfragmenten auf die Eisbildung in Wolken | Werchner, Sven |
Vogel, B. |
Ice growth processes in two bulk microphysics schemes compared to radar observations | Karrer, Markus |
Hoose, C., Voigt, A. |
Arctic Multilayer Clouds | Vassel, Maiken |
Ickes, L., Hoose, C. |
title | name | tutor |
Analysis of environmental conditions during hail events | Wandel, Jan |
Kunz, M., Kottmeier, Ch. |
Validierung der Hageldetektion mittels polarimetrischer Messgrößen des IMK-Radars | Augenstein, Markus |
Kunz, M., Kottmeier, Ch. |
Analyse des Zusammenhangs zwischen Hagelereignissen und Frontalsystemen in Westeuropa | Baumstark, Sven |
Kunz.M., Kottmeier, Ch. |
Der Einfluss des Voltastausees auf Wetter und Klima | Buchholz, Marcel |
Fink, A., Kottmeier, Ch. |
Charakteristische Eigenschaften der konvektiven Grenzschicht mit Cumulusbewölkung | Haid, Maren |
Kalthoff, N., Kottmeier, Ch. |
Inversions and middle high clouds over Westafrica | Leydecker, Kathrin |
Knippertz, P., Fink, A. |
Predictability of Tropical Transition in the North Atlantic Ocean | Maier-Gerber, Michael |
Knippertz, P., Riemer, M. |
title | name | tutor |
Numerical simulations of an exceptional dust event in the Eastern Mediterranean including the mineral dust radiative feedback | Gasch, Philipp |
Knippertz, P., Kottmeier, Ch. |
Der Einfluss von stratosphärischen Wellen auf die Zyklogenese im nordhemisphärischen Winter | Hofgärtner, Jasmin |
Knippertz, P., Pante, G. |
Analyse konvektiver Starkwindböen auf der Grundlage von hochaufgelösten Reanalysedaten | Kosch, Julia |
Kunz, M., Mohr, S. |
title | name | tutor |
The quiet 2013 Hurricane season in the North Atlantic: Causes and role of subtropical dry air intrusions into the Main Developing Region | Bossmann, Pila |
Knippertz, P., Fink, A. |
Simulating Contrails and Their Impact on Incoming Solar Radiation at the Surface on the Regional Scale - A Case Study | Gruber, Simon |
Kottmeier, Ch., Hoose, C. |
The representation of cloudiness over southern West Africa in global climate models | Hannak, Lisa |
Knippertz, P., Fink, A. |
Combined effects of urban planning and climate change on the climate of the Stuttgart Metropolitan Area | Imhof, Hannah |
Hoose, C., Kottmeier, Ch. |
title | name | tutor |
The Influence of Extratropical Transition on poleward Rossby Wave Breaking | Quandt, Lisa-Ann |
Jones, S.C., Kottmeier, Ch. |
Implementierung eines Verfahrens zur Ableitung von Kenngrößen der atmosphärischen Turbulenz aus Doppler-Lidar-Messungen der Strukturfunktion | Brugger, Peter |
Träumner, K., Kottmeier, Ch. |
Object-Based Verfication of Tropical Precipitation Forecasts During the YOTC-Period | Maranan, Marlon |
Jones, S. |
Analysis of Convergence Areas during Orographically Induced Hailstorms with the COSMO Model | Koebele, Daniel |
Kunz, M. |
Examination of Gust Wind Speed from Observations and GFS Reanalysis During Strong Wind Events | Jäger, Sarah |
Kunz, M. |
Feuchtetransportpfade innerhalb von Mittelmeerzyklonen während HyMeX | Nerding, Kai-Uwe |
Corsmeier, U. |