KITsonde: a novel modular multi-sensor dropsonde system for high resolution measurements


A new modular multi-sensor dropsonde system for high-resolution measurements

The IMK-TRO developed a new multi-sensor dropsonde system "KITsonde" for high and fast-flying research aircraft such as HALO. The modular design of KITsonde combines the strengths of existing dropsonde systems, such as the widespread AVAPS (Airborne Vertical Atmospheric Profiling System) and the Karlsruhe dropsonde. On the one hand the specificity of the new system is  the possibility of being able to use up to 30 probes simultaneously to win spatially and temporally espacially high resolved measurements in the region of inhomogeneous zones of the atmosphere, such as convective cells or cyclones. On the other hand, the separation of probe and discharge containers allows the drop of up to 4 probes  at the same time and the integration of new sensor technologies because in the first phase of shedding, the probes are decelerated safely protected with the waste bin. In the basic version KITsonde supplies profile measurements of pressure, humidity, temperature and wind with a necessary resolution that is adjusted for gaining a better understanding of the processes involved in the development of the above named weather phenomena. This data can be made ​​available worldwide immediately if necessary through a direct satellite link to the probe. KITsonde ultimately lead to an improved predictability of occurrence and development of extreme weather situations. After an initial test phase in the spring of 2012 took place in August 2013 further test flights with the Dornier Do-128 IBUF. In May 2014, will be the first bombing of the fast and high flying aircraft HALO. In the development of this novel measurement system the IMK-TRO works along with two industrial partners. GRAW Radio Sondes GmbH & Co. KG, Nürnberg develop and produce the meteorological measuring probe, which is comparable to the latest radiosonde generation DFM-09. The enviscope GmbH, Frankfurt / M. is responsible for discharge containers, aircraft fittings, control software, and certification of the system.