Research Interests

  • extreme weather events, heat waves and cold waves
  • large-scale dynamics, weather patterns, predictability
  • climate projections and statistics


  • ClimXtreme Module A, Project A5 "The role of multi-scale dynamical processes in shaping recent and future extreme heat waves over Germany (DynProHeat)"

Curriculum Vitae

  • since 2019: PhD student, IMK-TRO, KIT, Germany
  • 2016-2019: M.Sc. Meteorology, KIT
  • 2014-2018: Student research assistant, KIT, Wettergefahren-Frühwarnung, CEDIM
  • 2012-2015: B.Sc. Meteorology, KIT



Master Thesis

2019: Analyse von Definitionen von Hitze- und Kältewellen in Europa (Analysis of definitions of heat and cold waves in Europe)

Bachelor Thesis

2015: Analyse von Niederschlägen in der Trockenzeit an der westafrikanischen Küste im 20. Jahrhundert (Analysis of 20th century dry season rainfall on the West African coast)