Hendrik Feldmann

Hendrik Feldmann


  • Dekadische Klimavariabilität und -vorhersagbarkeit
  • Regionale Klimaextreme
  • Regionale Klimamodellierung
  • Nutzung regionaler Klimainformationen für Impakt-Forschung und für Anpassungsmaßnahmen

Aktuelle Projekte

  • Koordination von Modul A „Physik und Prozesse” des BMBF Forschungsprogramms “Klimawandel und Extremereignisse" ClimXtreme 2, PI im Projekt A1 SEVERE
  • Koordination der Querschnittsaktivität NUKLEUS 2 (Nutzbare Lokale Klimainformationen für Deutschland) im BMBF Forschungsprogramm RegIKlim (Regionale Information zum Klimahandeln)
  • PI im Projekt RegIKlim/ISAP 2 „Integrative stadt-regionale Anpassungsstrategien in einer polyzentrischen Wachstumsregion: Modellregion – Region Stuttgart seit 2023
  • PI im BMBF Projekt UDAG "Updating the data basis for adaptation to climate change in Germany" seit 2023
  • PI im BMBF Projekt Coming Decade "A Coming Decade - Decadal climate predictions for Europe" seit 2023
  • PI im Projekt ProImpact "Prototype Workflows for User Relevant Climate Information and Impact Modelling" innerhalb des BMBF Forschungsprogramms WarmWorld Modul 4 "Smarter"
  • PI im Projekt AON FloodCC
  • Arbeitsgruppenkoordinator “Climate Projections” in der CLM-Community und Mitglied der Koordinationsgruppe

Abgeschlossene Projekte

  • ClimXtreme Phase 1 – BMBF-Projekt 2019-2023 - Koordination Modul A ”Physik und Prozesse“ und Projekt „Skalenabhängige Wiedergabe der relevanten Prozesse und Sensitivitätsanalyse für sehr extreme Niederschlagsereignisse, A1 SEVERE“
  • NUKLEUS Phase 1 – BMBF-Projekt 2020-2023
  • ISAP-Phase 1 – BMBF-Projekt 2020-2023
  • MiKlip Phase 1 und 2 – BMBF-Projekte 2011-2015 und 2016-2019
  • "Flood Hazards in a Changing Climate" - CEDIM Projekt 2008-2011
  • “Hochauflösende regionale Simulationen künftiger Starkniederschlagsereignisse in Baden-Württemberg (ReSiPrec)” – Projekt im Rahmen des Forschungsprogramms „Herausforderung Klimawandel Baden- Württemberg“ – 2007-2010
  • ATMOFAST und TRACHT – BMBF AFO2000 2001-2004
  • Troposphärenforschungsschwerpunkt – BMBF 1996-1999
  • „Vertical Ozone Transport in the Alps VOTALP 1 und 2“ – EU-Projekt 1996-2000
  • „Wissenschatliches Begleitprogramm zur Sanierung der Atmosphäre über den neuen Bundesländern SANA 1 und 2“ – BMBF-Programm 1991-1996
  • EUROTRAC – EU EUREKA 1988-2002

Curriculum Vitae

  • PI in verschiedenen Forschungsprojekten
  • Seit 2020 Koordinator im Projekt RegIKlim/NUKLEUS
  • Seit 2019 Koordinator beim ClimXtreme Module A, PI des Projekts A1 SEVERE
  • Seit 2007 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter IMK-TRO des KIT Karlsruhe, Arbeitsgruppe: Regionales Klima und Wasserkreislauf
  • 1996 – 2006 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am “Rheinischen Institut für Umweltforschung RIU”, Cologne Germany
  • 1991 – 1996  Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am IGMK, Universität zu Köln
  • 1988 – 1991 Studentischer Mitarbeiter, IGMK, Universität zu Köln
  • 1984 – 1991 Student der Geophysik, IGMK, Universität zu Köln


Compound events in Germany in 2018: drivers and case studies
Xoplaki, E.; Ellsäßer, F.; Grieger, J.; Nissen, K. M.; Pinto, J. G.; Augenstein, M.; Chen, T.-C.; Feldmann, H.; Friederichs, P.; Gliksman, D.; Goulier, L.; Haustein, K.; Heinke, J.; Jach, L.; Knutzen, F.; Kollet, S.; Luterbacher, J.; Luther, N.; Mohr, S.; Mudersbach, C.; Müller, C.; Rousi, E.; Simon, F.; Suarez-Gutierrez, L.; Szemkus, S.; Vallejo-Bernal, S. M.; Vlachopoulos, O.; Wolf, F.
2025. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 25 (2), 541–564. doi:10.5194/nhess-25-541-2025
Towards better understanding the urban environment and its interactions with regional climate change - The WCRP CORDEX Flagship Pilot Study URB-RCC
Langendijk, G. S.; Halenka, T.; Hoffmann, P.; Adinolfi, M.; Aldama Campino, A.; Asselin, O.; Bastin, S.; Bechtel, B.; Belda, M.; Bushenkova, A.; Campanale, A.; Chun, K. P.; Constantinidou, K.; Coppola, E.; Demuzere, M.; Doan, Q.-V.; Evans, J.; Feldmann, H.; Fernandez, J.; Fita, L.; Hadjinicolaou, P.; Hamdi, R.; Hundhausen, M.; Grawe, D.; Johannsen, F.; Milovac, J.; Katragkou, E.; Kerroumi, N. E. I.; Kotlarski, S.; Le Roy, B.; Lemonsu, A.; Lennard, C.; Lipson, M.; Mandal, S.; Muñoz Pabón, L. E.; Pavlidis, V.; Pietikäinen, J.-P.; Raffa, M.; Raluy-López, E.; Rechid, D.; Ito, R.; Schulz, J.-P.; Soares, P. M. M.; Takane, Y.; Teichmann, C.; Thatcher, M.; Top, S.; Van Schaeybroeck, B.; Wang, F.; Yuan, J.
2024. Urban Climate, 58, Art.-Nr.: 102165. doi:10.1016/j.uclim.2024.102165
The added value of simulated near-surface wind speed over the Alps from a km-scale multimodel ensemble
Molina, M. O.; Careto, J. M.; Gutiérrez, C.; Sánchez, E.; Goergen, K.; Sobolowski, S.; Coppola, E.; Pichelli, E.; Ban, N.; Belus̆ić D.; Short, C.; Caillaud, C.; Dobler, A.; Hodnebrog, Ø.; Kartsios, S.; Lenderink, G.; de Vries, H.; Göktürk, O.; Milovac, J.; Feldmann, H.; Truhetz, H.; Demory, M. E.; Warrach-Sagi, K.; Keuler, K.; Adinolfi, M.; Raffa, M.; Tölle, M.; Sieck, K.; Bastin, S.; Soares, P. M. M.
2024. Climate Dynamics, 62 (6), 4697–4715. doi:10.1007/s00382-024-07257-4
Investigating the representation of heatwaves from an ensemble of km-scale regional climate simulations within CORDEX-FPS convection
Sangelantoni, L.; Sobolowski, S.; Lorenz, T.; Hodnebrog, Ø.; Cardoso, R. M.; Soares, P. M. M.; Ferretti, R.; Lavín-Gullón, A.; Fernandez, J.; Goergen, K.; Milovac, J.; Katragkou, E.; Kartsios, S.; Coppola, E.; Pichelli, E.; Adinolfi, M.; Mercogliano, P.; Berthou, S.; de Vries, H.; Dobler, A.; Belušić, D.; Feldmann, H.; Tölle, M. H.; Bastin, S.
2024. Climate Dynamics, 62 (6), 4635–4671. doi:10.1007/s00382-023-06769-9
Evaluation of the near-surface wind field over the Adriatic region: local wind characteristics in the convection-permitting model ensemble
Belušić Vozila, A.; Belušić, D.; Telišman Prtenjak, M.; Güttler, I.; Bastin, S.; Brisson, E.; Demory, M.-E.; Demory, M.-E.; Dobler, A.; Feldmann, H.; Hodnebrog, Ø.; Kartsios, S.; Keuler, K.; Lorenz, T.; Milovac, J.; Pichelli, E.; Raffa, M.; Soares, P. M. M.; Tölle, M. H.; Truhetz, H.; de Vries, H.
2024. Climate Dynamics, 62 (6), 4617–4634. doi:10.1007/s00382-023-06703-z
Northwestern Mediterranean Heavy Precipitation Events in a Warmer Climate: Robust Versus Uncertain Changes With a Large Convection‐Permitting Model Ensemble
Caillaud, C.; Somot, S.; Douville, H.; Alias, A.; Bastin, S.; Brienen, S.; Demory, M.-E.; Dobler, A.; Feldmann, H.; Frisius, T.; Goergen, K.; Kendon, E. J.; Keuler, K.; Lenderink, G.; Mercogliano, P.; Pichelli, E.; Soares, P. M. M.; Tölle, M. H.; de Vries, H.
2024. Geophysical Research Letters, 51 (6), Art.: e2023GL105143. doi:10.1029/2023GL105143
Convection-permitting climate models offer more certain extreme rainfall projections
Fosser, G.; Gaetani, M.; Kendon, E. J.; Adinolfi, M.; Ban, N.; Belušić, D.; Caillaud, C.; Careto, J. A. M.; Coppola, E.; Demory, M.-E.; de Vries, H.; Dobler, A.; Feldmann, H.; Goergen, K.; Lenderink, G.; Pichelli, E.; Schär, C.; Soares, P. M. M.; Somot, S.; Tölle, M. H.
2024. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 7 (1), Art.-Nr.: 51. doi:10.1038/s41612-024-00600-w
Climate change signals of extreme precipitation return levels for Germany in a transient convection‐permitting simulation ensemble
Hundhausen, M.; Feldmann, H.; Kohlhepp, R.; Pinto, J. G.
2024. International Journal of Climatology, 44 (5), 1454–1471. doi:10.1002/joc.8393
The added value of km-scale simulations to describe temperature over complex orography: the CORDEX FPS-Convection multi-model ensemble runs over the Alps
Soares, P. M. M.; Careto, J. A. M.; Cardoso, R. M.; Goergen, K.; Katragkou, E.; Sobolowski, S.; Coppola, E.; Ban, N.; Belušić, D.; Berthou, S.; Caillaud, C.; Dobler, A.; Hodnebrog, Ø.; Kartsios, S.; Lenderink, G.; Lorenz, T.; Milovac, J.; Feldmann, H.; Pichelli, E.; Truhetz, H.; Demory, M. E.; de Vries, H.; Warrach-Sagi, K.; Keuler, K.; Raffa, M.; Tölle, M.; Sieck, K.; Bastin, S.
2024. Climate Dynamics, 62, 4491–4514. doi:10.1007/s00382-022-06593-7
Correction to: Evaluation of Alpine-Mediterranean precipitation events in convection-permitting regional climate models using a set of tracking algorithms
Müller, S. K.; Caillaud, C.; Chan, S.; de Vries, H.; Bastin, S.; Berthou, S.; Brisson, E.; Demory, M.-E.; Feldmann, H.; Goergen, K.; Kartsios, S.; Lind, P.; Keuler, K.; Pichelli, E.; Raffa, M.; Tölle, M. H.; Warrach-Sagi, K.
2023. Climate Dynamics. doi:10.1007/s00382-022-06608-3
A multi-disciplinary analysis of the exceptional flood event of July 2021 in central Europe. Part 1: Event description and analysis
Mohr, S.; Ehret, U.; Kunz, M.; Ludwig, P.; Caldas-Alvarez, A.; Daniell, J. E.; Ehmele, F.; Feldmann, H.; Franca, M. J.; Gattke, C.; Hundhausen, M.; Knippertz, P.; Küpfer, K.; Mühr, B.; Pinto, J. G.; Quinting, J.; Schäfer, A. M.; Scheibel, M.; Seidel, F.; Wisotzky, C.
2023. Natural hazards and earth system sciences, 23 (2), 525–551. doi:10.5194/nhess-23-525-2023
Future heat extremes and impacts in a convection-permitting climate ensemble over Germany
Hundhausen, M.; Feldmann, H.; Laube, N.; Pinto, J. G.
2023. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 23 (8), 2873–2893. doi:10.5194/nhess-23-2873-2023
The climate change response of alpine-mediterranean heavy precipitation events
Müller, S. K.; Pichelli, E.; Coppola, E.; Berthou, S.; Brienen, S.; Caillaud, C.; Demory, M.-E.; Dobler, A.; Feldmann, H.; Mercogliano, P.; Tölle, M.; de Vries, H.
2023. Climate Dynamics, 62, 165–186. doi:10.1007/s00382-023-06901-9
Convection-parameterized and convection-permitting modelling of heavy precipitation in decadal simulations of the greater Alpine region with COSMO-CLM
Caldas-Alvarez, A.; Feldmann, H.; Lucio-Eceiza, E.; Pinto, J. G.
2023. Weather and Climate Dynamics, 4 (2), 543–565. doi:10.5194/wcd-4-543-2023
A multi-disciplinary analysis of the exceptional flood event of July 2021 in central Europe – Part 2: Historical context and relation to climate change
Ludwig, P.; Ehmele, F.; Franca, M. J.; Mohr, S.; Caldas-Alvarez, A.; Daniell, J. E.; Ehret, U.; Feldmann, H.; Hundhausen, M.; Knippertz, P.; Küpfer, K.; Kunz, M.; Mühr, B.; Pinto, J. G.; Quinting, J.; Schäfer, A. M.; Seidel, F.; Wisotzky, C.
2023. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 23 (4), 1287–1311. doi:10.5194/nhess-23-1287-2023
The Worldwide C3S CORDEX Grand Ensemble: A Major Contribution to Assess Regional Climate Change in the IPCC AR6 Atlas
Diez-Sierra, J.; Iturbide, M.; Gutiérrez, J. M.; Fernández, J.; Milovac, J.; Cofiño, A. S.; Cimadevilla, E.; Nikulin, G.; Levavasseur, G.; Kjellström, E.; Bülow, K.; Horányi, A.; Brookshaw, A.; García-Díez, M.; Pérez, A.; Baño-Medina, J.; Ahrens, B.; Alias, A.; Ashfaq, M.; Bukovsky, M.; Buonomo, E.; Caluwaerts, S.; Chou, S. C.; Christensen, O. B.; Ciarlò, J. M.; Coppola, E.; Corre, L.; Demory, M.-E.; Djurdjevic, V.; Evans, J. P.; Fealy, R.; Feldmann, H.; Jacob, D.; Jayanarayanan, S.; Katzfey, J.; Keuler, K.; Kittel, C.; Kurnaz, M. L.; Laprise, R.; Lionello, P.; McGinnis, S.; Mercogliano, P.; Nabat, P.; Önol, B.; Ozturk, T.; Panitz, H.-J.; Paquin, D.; Pieczka, I.; Raffaele, F.; Remedio, A. R.; Scinocca, J.; Sevault, F.; Somot, S.; Steger, C.; Tangang, F.; Teichmann, C.; Termonia, P.; Thatcher, M.; Torma, C.; van Meijgaard, E.; Vautard, R.; Warrach-Sagi, K.; Winger, K.; Zittis, G.
2022. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103 (12), E2804–E2826. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-22-0111.1
Meteorological, impact and climate perspectives of the 29 June 2017 heavy precipitation event in the Berlin metropolitan area
Caldas-Alvarez, A.; Augenstein, M.; Ayzel, G.; Barfus, K.; Cherian, R.; Dillenardt, L.; Fauer, F.; Feldmann, H.; Heistermann, M.; Karwat, A.; Kaspar, F.; Kreibich, H.; Lucio-Eceiza, E. E.; Meredith, E. P.; Mohr, S.; Niermann, D.; Pfahl, S.; Ruff, F.; Rust, H. W.; Schoppa, L.; Schwitalla, T.; Steidl, S.; Thieken, A. H.; Tradowsky, J. S.; Wulfmeyer, V.; Quaas, J.
2022. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 22 (11), 3701–3724. doi:10.5194/nhess-22-3701-2022
Evaluation of Alpine-Mediterranean precipitation events in convection-permitting regional climate models using a set of tracking algorithms
Müller, S. K.; Caillaud, C.; Chan, S.; de Vries, H.; Bastin, S.; Berthou, S.; Brisson, E.; Demory, M.-E.; Feldmann, H.; Goergen, K.; Kartsios, S.; Lind, P.; Keuler, K.; Pichelli, E.; Raffa, M.; Tölle, M. H.; Warrach-Sagi, K.
2022. Climate Dynamics, 61 (1-2), 939–957. doi:10.1007/s00382-022-06555-z
A multi-disciplinary analysis of the exceptional flood event of July 2021 in central Europe - Part 2: Historical context and relation to climate change
Ludwig, P.; Ehmele, F.; Franca, M. J.; Mohr, S.; Caldas-Alvarez, A.; Daniell, J. E.; Ehret, U.; Feldmann, H.; Hundhausen, M.; Knippertz, P.; Küpfer, K.; Kunz, M.; Mühr, B.; Pinto, J. G.; Quinting, J.; Schäfer, A. M.; Seidel, F.; Wisotzky, C.
2022. Natural hazards and earth system sciences discussions. doi:10.5194/nhess-2022-225
Recurrence of Drought Events Over Iberia. Part II: Future Changes Using Regional Climate Projections
Moemken, J.; Koerner, B.; Ehmele, F.; Feldmann, H.; Pinto, J. G.
2022. Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 74, 262–279. doi:10.16993/tellusa.52
Adaptation and application of the large LAERTES-EU regional climate model ensemble for modeling hydrological extremes: a pilot study for the Rhine basin
Ehmele, F.; Kautz, L.-A.; Feldmann, H.; He, Y.; Kadlec, M.; Kelemen, F. D.; Lentink, H. S.; Ludwig, P.; Manful, D.; Pinto, J. G.
2022. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 22 (2), 677–692. doi:10.5194/nhess-22-677-2022
COSMO-CLM regional climate simulations in the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) framework: a review
Sørland, S. L.; Brogli, R.; Pothapakula, P. K.; Russo, E.; Van de Walle, J.; Ahrens, B.; Anders, I.; Bucchignani, E.; Davin, E. L.; Demory, M.-E.; Dosio, A.; Feldmann, H.; Früh, B.; Geyer, B.; Keuler, K.; Lee, D.; Li, D.; Lipzig, N. P. M. van; Min, S.-K.; Panitz, H.-J.; Rockel, B.; Schär, C.; Steger, C.; Thiery, W.
2021. Geoscientific model development, 14 (8), 5125–5154. doi:10.5194/gmd-14-5125-2021
The regional MiKlip decadal prediction system for Europe – Hindcast skill for extremes and user‐oriented variables
Moemken, J.; Feldmann, H.; Pinto, J. G.; Buldmann, B.; Laube, N.; Kadow, C.; Paxian, A.; Tiedje, B.; Kottmeier, C.; Marotzke, J.
2021. International journal of climatology, 41 (51), E1944-E1958. doi:10.1002/joc.6824
Long-term variance of heavy precipitation across central Europe using a large ensemble of regional climate model simulations
Ehmele, F.; Kautz, L.-A.; Feldmann, H.; Pinto, J. G.
2020. Earth System Dynamics, 11 (2), 469–490. doi:10.5194/esd-11-469-2020
A regional atmosphere-ocean climate system model (CCLMv5.0clm7-NEMOv3.3-NEMOv3.6) over Europe including three marginal seas: On its stability and performance
Primo, C.; Kelemen, F. D.; Feldmann, H.; Akhtar, N.; Ahrens, B.
2019. Geoscientific model development, 12 (12), 5077–5095. doi:10.5194/gmd-12-5077-2019
Long-term Variances of Heavy Precipitation across Central Europe using a Large Ensemble of Regional Climate Model Simulations
Ehmele, F.; Kautz, L.-A.; Feldmann, H.; Pinto, J. G.
2019. Earth System Dynamics Discussions, 1–31. doi:10.5194/esd-2019-47
Added Value of Atmosphere-Ocean Coupling in a Century-Long Regional Climate Simulation
Kelemen, F. D.; Primo, C.; Feldmann, H.; Ahrens, B.
2019. Atmosphere, 10 (9), Article: 537. doi:10.3390/atmos10090537
Skill and added value of the MiKlip regional decadal prediction system for temperature over Europe
Feldmann, H.; Pinto, J. g.; Laube, N.; Uhlig, M.; Moemken, J.; Pasternack, A.; Früh, B.; Pohlmann, H.; Kottmeier, C.
2019. Tellus / A, 71 (1), Article: 1618678. doi:10.1080/16000870.2019.1618678
Development and prospects of the regional MiKlip decadal prediction system over Europe: predictive skill, added value of regionalization, and ensemble size dependency
Reyers, M.; Feldmann, H.; Mieruch, S.; Pinto, J. G.; Uhlig, M.; Ahrens, B.; Früh, B.; Modali, K.; Laube, N.; Moemken, J.; Müller, W.; Schädler, G.; Kottmeier, C.
2019. Earth System Dynamics, 10 (1), 171–187. doi:10.5194/esd-10-171-2019
Bias adjustment for decadal predictions of precipitation in Europe from CCLM
Li, J.; Pollinger, F.; Panitz, H.-J.; Feldmann, H.; Paeth, H.
2019. Climate dynamics, 53 (3-4), 1323–1340. doi:10.1007/s00382-019-04646-y
Near-future changes in storm surges along the Atlantic Iberian coast
Fortunato, A. B.; Meredith, E. P.; Rodrigues, M.; Freire, P.; Feldmann, H.
2019. Natural hazards, 98 (3), 1003–1020. doi:10.1007/s11069-018-3375-z
Future Changes of Wind Speed and Wind Energy Potentials in EURO-CORDEX Ensemble Simulations
Moemken, J.; Reyers, M.; Feldmann, H.; Pinto, J. G.
2018. Journal of geophysical research / Atmospheres, 123 (12), 6373–6389. doi:10.1029/2018JD028473
An effective drift correction for dynamical downscaling of decadal global climate predictions
Paeth, H.; Li, J.; Pollinger, F.; Müller, W. A.; Pohlmann, H.; Feldmann, H.; Panitz, H.-J.
2018. Climate dynamics, 52 (3-4), 1343–1357. doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4195-2
Compound summer temperature and precipitation extremes over central Europe
Sedlmeier, K.; Feldmann, H.; Schädler, G.
2018. Theoretical and applied climatology, 131 (3-4), 1493–1501. doi:10.1007/s00704-017-2061-5
MiKlip: A National Research Project on Decadal Climate Prediction
Marotzke, J.; Müller, W. A.; Vamborg, F. S. E.; Becker, P.; Cubasch, U.; Feldmann, H.; Kaspar, F.; Kottmeier, C.; Marini, C.; Polkova, I.; Prömmel, K.; Rust, H. W.; Stammer, D.; Ulbrich, U.; Kadow, C.; Köhl, A.; Kröger, J.; Kruschke, T.; Pinto, J. G.; Pohlmann, H.; Reyers, M.; Schröder, M.; Sienz, F.; Timmreck, C.; Ziese, M.
2016. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 97 (12), 2379–2394. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00184.1
Sensitivity of soil moisture initialization for decadal predictions under different regional climatic conditions in Europe
Khodayar, S.; Sehlinger, A.; Feldmann, H.; Kottmeier, C.
2015. International journal of climatology, 35 (8), 1899–1915. doi:10.1002/joc.4096
The regional MiKlip decadal forecast ensemble for Europe: The added value of downscaling
Mieruch, S.; Feldmann, H.; Schädler, G.; Lenz, C.-J.; Kothe, S.; Kottmeier, C.
2014. Geoscientific model development, 7 (6), 2983–2999. doi:10.5194/gmd-7-2983-2014
The regional MiKlip decadal forecast ensemble for Europe
Mieruch, S.; Feldmann, H.; Schädler, G.; Lenz, C.-J.; Kothe, S.; Kottmeier, C.
2013. Geoscientific model development discussions, 6 (4), 5711–5745. doi:10.5194/gmdd-6-5711-2013
High-Resolution Climate Change Impact Analysis on Medium-Sized River Catchments in Germany: An Ensemble Assessment
Ott, I.; Duethmann, D.; Liebert, J.; Berg, P.; Feldmann, H.; Ihringer, J.; Kunstmann, H.; Merz, B.; Schaedler, G.; Wagner, S.
2013. Journal of hydrometeorology, 14, 1175–1193. doi:10.1175/JHM-D-12-091.1
Near future changes of extreme precipitation over complex terrain in Central Europe derived from high resolution RCM ensemble simulations
Feldmann, H.; Schädler, G.; Panitz, H.-J.; Kottmeier, C.
2013. International journal of climatology, 33 (8), 1964–1977. doi:10.1002/joc.3564
Bias correction of high resolution regional climate model data
Berg, P.; Feldmann, H.; Panitz, H.-J.
2012. Journal of hydrology, 448-449, 80–92. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.04.026
Determination of Precipitation Return Values in Complex Terrain and Their Evaluation
Früh, B.; Feldmann, H.; Panitz, H.-J.; Schädler, G.; Jacob, D.; Lorenz, P.; Keuler, K.
2010. Journal of Climate, 23 (9), 2257–2274. doi:10.1175/2009JCLI2685.1
Forecasted deep stratospheric intrusions over Central Europe: case studies and climatologies
Trickl, T.; Feldmann, H.; Kanter, H. J.; Scheel, H. E.; Sprenger, M.; Stohl, A.; Wernli, H.
2010. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10 (2), 499–524. doi:10.5194/acp-10-499-2010
High-resolution sensitivity studies with the regional climate model COSMO-CLM
Meissner, C.; Schädler, G.; Panitz, H.-J.; Feldmann, H.; Kottmeier, C.
2009. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 18 (5), 543–557. doi:10.1127/0941-2948/2009/0400
Simulation of transport and composition changes during a blocking episode over the East Atlantic and North Europe
Ebel, A.; Feldmann, H.; Jakobs, H. J.; Memmesheimer, M.; Offermann, D.; Kuell, V.; Schäler, B.
2008. Ecological modelling, 217 (3-4), 240–254. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2008.06.014
A model inter-comparison study focussing on episodes with elevated PM10 concentrations
Stern, R.; Builtjes, P.; Schaap, M.; Timmermans, R.; Vautard, R.; Hodzic, A.; Memmesheimer, M.; Feldmann, H.; Renner, E.; Wolke, R.; Kerschbaumer, A.
2008. Atmospheric Environment, 42 (19), 4567–4588. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2008.01.068
Evaluation of the precipitation for South-western Germany from high resolution simulations with regional climate models
Feldmann, H.; Früh, B.; Schädler, G.; Panitz, H.-J.; Keuler, K.; Jacob, D.; Lorenz, P.
2008. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 17 (4), 455–465. doi:10.1127/0941-2948/2008/0295

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Dauerniederschläge und Weihnachtshochwasser im Winter 2023/24
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2024. Freie Universität Berlin. doi:10.17169/refubium-43523
CLM-Assembly 2018 Conference proceedings
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2018. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
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2018. REKLIM Workshop 2018, Boppard, 15.-17.Mai 2018
Historical time series of extreme precipitation for Central European river catchments
Lentink, H. S.; Quandt, L.-A.; Ehmele, F.; Kelemen, F. D.; Kadlec, M.; Buldmann, B.; Feldmann, H.; Ludwig, P.; Pinto, J. G.
2018. European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU 2018), Wien, Österreich, 8.–13. April 2018
Regional climate simulations with COSMO-CLM: Ensembles, very high resolution and paleoclimate
Schädler, G.; Panitz, H. J.; Christner, E.; Feldmann, H.; Karremann, M.; Laube, N.
2017. High Performance Computing in Science & Engineering : 20th Results and Review Workshop of the HLRS, Stuttgart, October 5-6, 2017
Regionale dekadische Prognosen: Analyse von Klimavariabilität und Extremen für Europa
Laube, N.; Feldmann, H.; Mömken, J.; Pinto, J.; Buldmann, B.
2017. DKRZ User Workshop 2017, Hamburg, 9.-10.Oktober 2017
WInd speed and wind energy potentials in EURO-CORDEX ensemble simulations: evaluation, bias-correction and future changes
Moemken, J.; Reyers, M.; Feldmann, H.; Pinto, J. G.
2017. European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU 2017), Wien, Österreich, 23.–28. April 2017
Regionale dekadische Klimavorhersagen und nahtlose Vorhersagen
Kottmeier, C.; Feldmann, H.
2017. Promet - Meteorologische Fortbilding, (99), 57–64
How to increase the quality and the added value of regional decadal predictions for Europe?
Feldmann, H.; Brand, S.; Panitz, H.-J.; Pinto, J. G.; Reyers, M.; Uhlig, M.; Kottmeier, C.
2017. European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU 2017), Wien, Österreich, 23.–28. April 2017
Analysis of the regional MiKlip decadal prediction system over Europe: skill, added value of regionalization, and ensemble size dependency
Reyers, M.; Moemken, J.; Pinto, J.; Feldmann, H.; Kottmeier, C.
2017. (MiKlip Module-C team, Hrsg.), European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU 2017), Wien, Österreich, 23.–28. April 2017
Grenzen und Herausforderungen der regionalen Klimamodellierung
Dobler, A.; Feldmann, H.; Ulbrich, U.; Jacob, D.; Kottmeier, C.
2017. Klimawandel in Deutschland : Entwicklung, Folgen, Risiken und Perspektiven. Hrsg.: G. Brasseur, 37–44, Springer Spektrum. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-50397-3_5
Regional decadal predictions for Europe in MiKlip
Feldmann, H.; Uhlig, M.; Kottmeier, C.
2016. COSMO / CLM / ART User Seminar, Offenbach, March 7-9, 2016
Sensitivity of soil moisture initialization for decadal predictions under different regional climatic conditions in Europe
Khodayar, S.; Sehlinger, A.; Feldmann, H.; Kottmeier, C.
2014. From Observation to Prediction in Terrestial Systems : TERENO International Conference, Bonn, September 29 - October 2, 2014
The challenges of desaster prediction for risk reduction in the MMediterranean
Kottmeier, C.; Feldmann, H.; Khodayar, S.; Schädler, N.; Corsmeier, U.
2013. 4th Water Research Horizon Conference (WRHC 2013), Berlin, June 25-26, 2013
Near future changes of extremes and compound extremes on the regional scale
Sedlmeier, K.; Feldmann, H.; Schädler, G.
2013. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Wien, A, April 7-12, 2013 Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15(2013) EGU2013-5094-1
Observed and modeled changes of the hydrological cycle in Mid-Europe
Kottmeier, C.; Berg, P.; Feldmann, H.; Fosser, G.; Khodayar, S.; Panitz, H. J.; Sasse, R.; Schädler, G.
2012. Interactions of Water with Energy and Materials in Urban Areas and Agriculture : IWRM Conf., Karlsruhe, November 21-22, 2012
Analysis of extreme precipitation using regional climate ensembles generated by atmospheric forcing shifting
Sasse, R.; Schädler, G.; Feldmann, H.; Panitz, H. J.; Kottmeier, C.
2012. 12th European Meteorological Society Annual Meeting and 9th European Conference on Applied Climatology (ECAC), Lodz, PL, September 10-14, 2012 EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, 9(2012) EMS2012-172
Generation of regional climate ensembles using atmospheric forcing shifting
Sasse, R.; Schädler, G.; Feldmann, H.; Kottmeier, C.
2012. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Wien, A, April 22-27, 2012 Geophysical Research Abstracts, 14(2012) EGU2012-9087
Flood hazards in a changing climate. Final report
Schädler, G.; Berg, P.; Düthmann, D.; Feldmann, H.; Ihringer, J.; Kunstmann, H.; Liebert, J.; Merz, B.; Ott, I.; Wagner, S.
2012. Karlsruhe : CEDIM, 2012
An ensemble assessment of the climate change impact on flood hazard for three small to medium sized catchments in Germany
Duethmann, D.; Ott, I.; Liebert, J.; Berg, P.; Feldmann, H.; Ihringer, J.; Kunstmann, H.; Merz, B.; Schädler, G.; Wagner, S.
2012. REKLIM Workshop, Lüneburg, 19.-21.März 2012
Regional climate change pattern for extreme precipitation derived with an ensemble of CCLM simulations
Feldmann, H.; Schädler, G.; Berg, P.; Panitz, H. J.; Kottmeier, C.
2010. CLM Community Assembly, Berlin, September 1, 2010
Untersuchung regionaler Änderungen von Starkniederschlägen mit einem hochauflösenden RCM-Ensemble
Feldmann, H.; Schädler, G.; Panitz, H. J.; Kottmeier, C.
2010. Deutsch-Österreichisch-Schweizerische Meteorologen-Tagung (DACH 2010), Bonn, 20.-24.September 2010
The impact of soil moisture on convective precipitation
Khodayar, S.; Schaedler, G.; Berg, P.; Feldmann, H.; Panitz, H. J.; Sasse, R.; Kalthoff, N.; Kottmeier, C.
2010. 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Bremen, July 18-25, 2010
Downscaling climate simulations for use in hydrological modelling of medium-sized river catchments
Berg, P.; Panitz, H. J.; Schädler, G.; Feldmann, H.; Kottmeier, C.
2010. Resch, M. [Hrsg.] High Performance Computing on Vector Systems 2010 : 12th Teraflop Workshop, Stuttgart, March 15-16, 2010 Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2010 Also publ.online
Hochauflösende regionale Simulationen künftiger Starkniederschlagsereignisse in Baden-Württemberg. Projekt ReSiPrec
Feldmann, H.; Schädler, G.; Panitz, H. J.; Kottmeier, C.
2010. Abschluss-Symp.’Herausforderung Klimawandel in Baden-Württemberg’, Stuttgart, 12.Mai 2010
Bias correction of RCM data for use in hydrological catchment modelling
Berg, P.; Düthmann, D.; Feldmann, H.; Ihringer, J.; Kunstmann, H.; Liebert, J.; Merz, B.; Schädler, G.; Wagner, S.
2010. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Wien, A, May 2-7, 2010 Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12(2010) EGU2010-10850
Downscaling climate simulations for use in hydrological modelling of medium-sized river catchments
Berg, P.; Panitz, H. J.; Schädler, G.; Feldmann, H.; Kottmeier, C.
2010. Resch, M. [Hrsg.] High Performance Computing on Vector Systems 2010 : 12th Teraflop Workshop, Stuttgart, March 15-16, 2010 Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2010 Also publ.online, 163–70
Are regional scale climate change signals for precipitation detectable with a high resolution RCM ensemble over the next decades
Feldmann, H.; Schädler, G.; Panitz, H. J.
2010. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Wien, A, May 2-7, 2010 Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12(2010) EGU2010-11058
Impact of resolution and uncertainties on the determination of return values for extreme precipitation from observations and models
Feldmann, H.; Berg, P.; Schädler, G.; Panitz, H. J.
2010. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Wien, A, May 2-7, 2010 Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12(2010) EGU2010-10732-1
Probabilistic assessment of regional climate change in Southwest Germany
Panitz, H. J.; Schölzel, C.; Hense, A.; Feldmann, H.; Schädler, G.
2010. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Wien, A, May 2-7, 2010
Modelling regional climate change in Southwest Germany
Panitz, H. J.; Schädler, G.; Feldmann, H.
2010. Nagel, W. [Hrsg.] High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’09 : Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2009 Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2010
Evaluation of precipitation from regional climate simulations for south-west Germany
Feldmann, H.; Früh, B.; Panitz, H.-J.; Schädler, G.
2008. CLM-Assembly, 05.03.2008, Langen, Germany
Was bedeutet der Klimawandel für Karlsruhe? Fakten und Maßnahmen
Feldmann, H.
2008. BÜGA e.V. Mitgliederversammlung, Karlsruhe, 3.Juni 2008
Evaluation of the precipitation for south-west Germany from high resolution simulations with regional climate models
Feldmann, H.; Früh, B.; Schädler, G.; Panitz, H. J.
2008. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Wien, A, April 13-18, 2008
Evaluation of heavy precipitation from regional climate simulations for south-west Germany
Früh, B.; Feldmann, H.; Panitz, H. J.; Schädler, G.
2008. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Wien, A, April 13-18, 2008 Geophysical Research Abstracts, 10(2008)
Future change of the frequency and intensity of heavy precipitation events
Früh, B.; Feldmann, H.; Panitz, H. J.; Schädler, G.
2007. Heneka, P. [Hrsg.] 8.Forum DKKV/CEDIM: Disaster Reduction in a Changing Climate, Karlsruhe, October 15-16, 2007 Extended Abstracts publ.in the web Karlsruhe : Center for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction Technology Paper 44
Future change of the frequency and intensity of heavy precipitation events
Früh, B.; Feldmann, H.; Panitz, H. J.; Schädler, G.
2007. Heneka, P. [Hrsg.] 8.Forum DKKV/CEDIM: Disaster Reduction in a Changing Climate, Karlsruhe, October 15-16, 2007 Extended Abstracts publ.in the web Karlsruhe : Center for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction Technology Paper 44
Vergleich regionaler Klimasimulationen in Bezug auf Häufigkeit und Intensität von Starkniederschlagsereignissen
Früh, B.; Feldmann, H.; Schädler, G.; Panitz, H. J.
2007. Deutsch-Österreichisch-Schweizerische Meteorologen-Tagung (DACH 2007), Hamburg, 10.-14.September 2007