KITcube: Gesamtbeobachtungssystem zur Sondierung der Atmosphäre |
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CROSSINN - Untersuchung der Talquerzirkulation im Inntal mit Dual-Doppler-Lidarmessungen |
Dr. B. Adler |
Namib Fog Life Cycle Analysis (NaFoLiCa) |
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[UC]² - Stadtklima im Wandel |
Dr. N. Kalthoff, Dr. O. Kiseleva |
HD(CP)^2 High Definition Clouds and Precipitation for Climate Prediction |
Dr. N. Kalthoff, Dipl.-Met. L. Gantner, M. Sc. Shweta Singh. |
DACCIWA - Dynamics-Aerosol-Chemistry-Cloud Interactions in West Africa |
Prof. Dr. P. Knippertz, Prof. Dr. A. Fink, Dr. N. Kalthoff, Dr. B. Adler , |
HYMEX / Hydrological Cycle in the Mediterranean Experiment |
Dr. Norbert Kalthoff, Dr. Ulrich Corsmeier, Dr. S. Khodayar |
Analysis of initiation of precipitating convection based on data analysis and LM-modeling |
Dipl.-Phys. S. Khodayar-Pardo |
AMMA / Afrikanischer Monsun Multidisziplinäre Analysen |
Prof. Dr. S. Jones, Dr. N. Kalthoff, Dr. B. Vogel |
CSIP / Convective Storm Initiation Project |
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COPS /Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study |
Prof. Dr. Ch. Kottmeier |
ENWARICL / Energy and water budget studies in the arid area of chile |
Dr. N. Kalthoff |
ESCOMPTE / Etude sur Site pour Cotraindre les Modèles de Pollution atmospheric et de Transfert d' Emissions |
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FreeLineSensor |
Dipl.-Ing. F. Königer |
GO4ICE - Geophysical Observation and 4-Phase Modelling of Ice Content Evolution |
Dr. C. Hauck |
MESMERISE / Meteorological Soil Moisture Experiment Series |
Dr. C. Hauck |
METCRAX II - The Meteor Crater Experiment II |
Dr.N. Kalthoff, Dr. B. Adler
MODIWAC / Monitoring of dike water content |
Dipl.-Phys. J. Rings |
RIBOLA / Räumlich integrierte Bodenfeuchtemessungen unter Verwendung von Radiofrequenzen im Langwellenbereich |
Dr. N. Kalhoff, Dr. O. Kiseleva
Dr.-Ing. R. Schuhmann |
Dr. M. Stacheder |
SOMONET / Multi-scale Analysis of the Impact of Soil Moisture on Convective Precipitation |
Dr. C. Hauck, Dr. C. Barthlott, L. Krauß |
VERTIKATOR / Vertikaler Austausch und Orographie |
Prof. Dr. F. Fiedler |