Accomodation Procedure
General information about living in Karlsruhe:
- International Students' Office of KIT INTL
- International Student Center of the Student Union.
Information regarding apartment search:
or on popular commercial Websites such as
If you are interested in cross-generational contacts and social commitment you can get a cheap apartment within a residential partnership. Students don`t pay rent but help their hosts instead. This project is a co-work from the Parity Social Services and the Student Union.
- Flyer: Wohnen für Hilfe
- Contact: wohnen∂paritä
You want to learn German? Look at INTL! There you find oppourtunities to learn German or improve your German skills. Among others there is a tandem-service from the International Student Center, where you can find a German partner that teaches you maybe in exchange for some teaching in your native language.
If you want a specific contact person, that is at your disposal for any questions and issues, that occur in your daily student life, you can join the Buddy Program coordinated by the Office for the Integration of Refugees, the House of Competence (HOC) and the International Students Office (INTL).