Research Interests
- Tropical meteorology
- Climate variability
- Teleconnections
- Extreme weather and climate events (rainfall, tropical cyclones, floods, and droughts)
Current Projects
- ClimXtreme Phase I - Scale Dependent Process Representation and Sensitivity Analysis for Most Extreme Events (SEVERE) link
Past Projects
- Systematic Errors in the Monsoon in Asia – Nudging, Teleconnections and Interactions with Convective Systems (SEMANTICS), funded by the Met Office/Newton Fund (UK) and CSSP-China partners
Curriculum Vitae
- 2022 - present Postdoctoral Research Scientist at IMK-TRO, KIT, Germany
- 2021 - 2022 Postdoctoral Research Scientist at IGg, UNAM, Mexico
- 2020 - 2021 Postdoctoral Research Scientist at NCAS, University of Reading, UK
- 2016 - 2020 PhD in Atmosphere, Oceans and Climate, University of Reading, UK
- 2012 - 2015 MSc in Physics of the Atmosphere, UNAM, Mexico
- 2004 - 2012 Bachelor in Geophysical Engineering, UNAM, Mexico
Franco-Díaz A, Klingaman N P, Vidale P L, Guo L, and Demory M-E (2019): The contribution of tropical cyclones to the atmospheric branch of Middle America’s hydrological cycle using observed and reanalysis tracks, Clim Dyn, 53, 6145–6158, doi:10.1007/s00382-019-04920-z
PhD Thesis
Franco-Díaz, A. (2020): Mechanisms of rainfall in Middle America (in English)
Master Thesis
Franco-Díaz, A. (2015): Predictibilidad del clima de México y reducción de escala dinámica (in Spanish)
Bachelor Thesis
Franco-Díaz, A. (2012): Evaluación de la predecibilidad del clima en México (in Spanish)