Dr. Patrick Ludwig
- Gruppenleiter
- Raum: 504
CN 435 - Tel.: +49 721 608-22085
- patrick ludwig ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Research Interests
- paleoclimate (regional modeling, large scale circulation)
- (modeling of) high impact weather (e.g. winter storms, convective systems, floods)
- climate variability in Europe
- SCENIC: Storyline Scenarios of Extreme Weather, Climate, and Environmental Events along with their Impacts in a Warmer World. link
- Extreme weather events under recent climate conditions. Aon-Benfield IF, London, UK.
- Climatology (BSc), lecture and exercises, since 2018
- Synoptic Meteorology (BSs), lecture, since 2018
- Seminar on IPCC Report (MSc), lecture, since 2017
- Climate Modeling & Dynamics with ICON (MSc), lecture, since 2020
Curriculum Vitae
- since 2017: Research Associate, IMK-TRO, KIT
- 2013-2017: Research Associate, IGMK, University of Cologne, Germany
- 2009-2014: PhD student, IGMK, University of Cologne, Germany
- 2001-2008: Diploma in Meteorology, IGMK, University of Cologne, Germany
Earlier / other Publication
- Shao Y, Anhäuser A, Ludwig P, Schlüter P, Williams E (2018) Statistic Reconstruction of Global Vegetation for the Last Glacial Maximum. Global and Planetary Change, Volume 168, Pages 67-77 doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2018.06.002 link
- Maier A, Lehmkuhl F, Ludwig P, Melles M, Schmidt I, Shao Y, Zeeden C, Zimmermann A (2016) Demographic estimates of hunter–gatherers during the Last Glacial Maximum in Europe against the background of palaeoenvironmental data. Quaternary International, 425, 49-61. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2016.04.009, link
- Dangendorf S, Arns A, Pinto JG, Ludwig P, Jensen J (2016) The exceptional influence of storm “Xaver” on design water levels in the German Bight. Environ Res Lett 11:054001. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/11/5/054001, link
- Ludwig P, Schaffernicht EJ, Shao Y, Pinto JG (2016) Regional atmospheric circulation over Europe during the Last Glacial Maximum and its links to precipitation. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121, 2130–2145. doi:10.1002/2015JD024444, link
- Kelemen FD, Ludwig P, Reyers M, Ulbrich S, Pinto JG (2016) Evaluation of moisture sources of the Central European summer flood of May/June 2013 based on regional climate model simulations. Tellus A 68:29288. doi:10.3402/tellusa.v68.29288, link
- Ludwig P, Pinto JG, Reyers M, Gray SL (2014) The role of anomalous SST over the Southeastern North Atlantic in the explosive development of winter storm Xynthia. Quart J R Meteorol Soc 140, 1729–1741. doi:10.1002/qj.2253
- Held H, Gerstengarbe FW, Pardowitz T, Pinto JG, Ulbrich U, Böhm U, Born K, Büchner M, Donat MG, Karremann MK, Leckebusch GC, Ludwig P, Nissen KM, Nocke T, Osterle H, Prahl BF, Werner PC, Befort BJ, Burghoff O (2013) Projections of global warming-induced impacts on winter storm losses in the German private household sector. Clim Change Clim Change, 121, 195-207. doi:10.1007/s10584-013-0872-7
- Liberato MLR, Pinto JG, Trigo RM, Ludwig P, Ordóñez P, Yuen D, Trigo IF (2013) Explosive development of winter storm Xynthia over the southeastern North Atlantic. Nat Hazards Earth Syst Sci 13, 2239-2251. doi:10.5194/nhess-13-2239-2013
- Born K, Ludwig P, Pinto JG (2012) Wind Gust Estimation for Mid-European Winter Storms: Towards a Probabilistic View. Tellus A 64:17471. doi:10.3402/tellusa.v64i0.17471
Doctoral Thesis
Ludwig P (2014): European Winter Storms: Dynamical Aspects and Wind Gust Estimation based on results of Regional Climate Model simulations. IGMK, University of Cologne.
Diploma Thesis
Ludwig P (2009): Statistical postprocessing of precipitation generated with FOOT3DK for the rainy season 2002 in Benin (West Africa). IGMK, University of Cologne.