Dr. Julia Mömken
- Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
- Gruppe:
- Raum: 516
CN 435 - Tel.: +49 721 608-22805
- julia moemken ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Research Interests
- User-relevant climate change information
- Extratropical cyclones
- Recurrent droughts over Iberia
- Wind energy projections for Europe
- Development and application of statistical-dynamical downscaling methods to climate change projections
- Decadal climate predictions (MiKlip)
Current Projects
Past Projects
- Impact of recurrent extreme drought events and shrub invasion on Mediterranean cork-oak ecosystem functioning and resilience. German Research Foundation (DFG), Germany
- MIKLIP II - Regional Decadal Prediction. BMBF, Germany
Curriculum Vitae
- Since 2017: Research Associate, IMKTRO, KIT
- 04/2022-10/2022: Visiting Scientist, Dept. of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden (in Gabriele Messori's group)
- 2014-2017: Scientific Assistant, IGMK, University of Cologne
- 2014-2017: PhD Student, IGMK, University of Cologne
- 2011-2014: M.Sc. Student „Physik der Erde und der Atmosphäre“, IGMK, University of Cologne
- 2008-2011: B.Sc. Student „Geophysik und Meteorologie“, IGMK, University of Cologne
- Climatology exercise (BSc), since 2017
- Climatology lecture (BSc), since 2023
Submitted / Preprint / In Press
- Flynn CM, Moemken J, Pinto JG, Messori G (2024) A New Database of Extreme EuropeanWinter Windstorms. Earth Syst Sci Data (discussion), https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-2024-298
- Stainoh F, Biess B, Gudmundsson L, Moemken J, Pinto JG (2024) Assessing the spatial heterogeneity of climate drivers of winter wheat yield shock across European countries. Atmos Sci Lett (submitted)
- Alifdini I, Moemken J, Ramos AM, Pinto JG (2024) Future Changes of European Windstorm Losses in EURO-CORDEX Simulations. Tellus A (submitted)
Future Changes of European Windstorm Losses in EURO-CORDEX Simulations
Alifdini, I.; Moemken, J.; Ramos, A. M.; Pinto, J. G.
2025. Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 77 (1), 20–37. doi:10.16993/tellusa.4094
Alifdini, I.; Moemken, J.; Ramos, A. M.; Pinto, J. G.
2025. Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 77 (1), 20–37. doi:10.16993/tellusa.4094
Broadening the scope of anthropogenic influence in extreme event attribution
Jézéquel, A.; Bastos, A.; Faranda, D.; Kimutai, J.; Le Grix, N.; Wilson, A. M.; Rufat, S.; Shepherd, T. G.; Stuart-Smith, R. F.; Van Loon, A. F.; Bevacqua, E.; D’Andrea, F.; Lehner, F.; Lloyd, E. A.; Moemken, J.; Ramos, A. M.; Sippel, S.; Zscheischler, J.
2024. Environmental Research: Climate, 3 (4), Art.-Nr.: 042003. doi:10.1088/2752-5295/ad7527
Jézéquel, A.; Bastos, A.; Faranda, D.; Kimutai, J.; Le Grix, N.; Wilson, A. M.; Rufat, S.; Shepherd, T. G.; Stuart-Smith, R. F.; Van Loon, A. F.; Bevacqua, E.; D’Andrea, F.; Lehner, F.; Lloyd, E. A.; Moemken, J.; Ramos, A. M.; Sippel, S.; Zscheischler, J.
2024. Environmental Research: Climate, 3 (4), Art.-Nr.: 042003. doi:10.1088/2752-5295/ad7527
A comparison of climate drivers’ impacts on silage maize yield shock in Germany
Stainoh, F.; Moemken, J.; Gouveia, C. M.; Pinto, J. G.
2024. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 155 (10), 9197–9209. doi:10.1007/s00704-024-05179-z
Stainoh, F.; Moemken, J.; Gouveia, C. M.; Pinto, J. G.
2024. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 155 (10), 9197–9209. doi:10.1007/s00704-024-05179-z
Windstorm losses in Europe – What to gain from damage datasets
Moemken, J.; Messori, G.; Pinto, J. G.
2024. Weather and Climate Extremes, 44, Article no: 100661. doi:10.1016/j.wace.2024.100661
Moemken, J.; Messori, G.; Pinto, J. G.
2024. Weather and Climate Extremes, 44, Article no: 100661. doi:10.1016/j.wace.2024.100661
Insurance loss model vs. meteorological loss index – how comparable are their loss estimates for European windstorms?
Moemken, J.; Alifdini, I.; Ramos, A. M.; Georgiadis, A.; Brocklehurst, A.; Braun, L.; Pinto, J. G.
2024. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 24 (10), 3445–3460. doi:10.5194/nhess-24-3445-2024
Moemken, J.; Alifdini, I.; Ramos, A. M.; Georgiadis, A.; Brocklehurst, A.; Braun, L.; Pinto, J. G.
2024. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 24 (10), 3445–3460. doi:10.5194/nhess-24-3445-2024
Recurrence of Drought Events Over Iberia. Part II: Future Changes Using Regional Climate Projections
Moemken, J.; Koerner, B.; Ehmele, F.; Feldmann, H.; Pinto, J. G.
2022. Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 74, 262–279. doi:10.16993/tellusa.52
Moemken, J.; Koerner, B.; Ehmele, F.; Feldmann, H.; Pinto, J. G.
2022. Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 74, 262–279. doi:10.16993/tellusa.52
Recurrence of Drought Events Over Iberia. Part I: Methodology and Application for Present Climate Conditions
Moemken, J.; Pinto, J. G.
2022. Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 74, 222–235. doi:10.16993/tellusa.50
Moemken, J.; Pinto, J. G.
2022. Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 74, 222–235. doi:10.16993/tellusa.50
Non‐linear plant‐plant interactions modulate impact of extreme drought and recovery on a Mediterranean ecosystem
Haberstroh, S.; Caldeira, M. C.; Lobo-do-Vale, R.; Martins, J. I.; Moemken, J.; Pinto, J. G.; Werner, C.
2021. The new phytologist, 231 (5), 1784–1797. doi:10.1111/nph.17522
Haberstroh, S.; Caldeira, M. C.; Lobo-do-Vale, R.; Martins, J. I.; Moemken, J.; Pinto, J. G.; Werner, C.
2021. The new phytologist, 231 (5), 1784–1797. doi:10.1111/nph.17522
The regional MiKlip decadal prediction system for Europe – Hindcast skill for extremes and user‐oriented variables
Moemken, J.; Feldmann, H.; Pinto, J. G.; Buldmann, B.; Laube, N.; Kadow, C.; Paxian, A.; Tiedje, B.; Kottmeier, C.; Marotzke, J.
2021. International journal of climatology, 41 (51), E1944-E1958. doi:10.1002/joc.6824
Moemken, J.; Feldmann, H.; Pinto, J. G.; Buldmann, B.; Laube, N.; Kadow, C.; Paxian, A.; Tiedje, B.; Kottmeier, C.; Marotzke, J.
2021. International journal of climatology, 41 (51), E1944-E1958. doi:10.1002/joc.6824
Skill and added value of the MiKlip regional decadal prediction system for temperature over Europe
Feldmann, H.; Pinto, J. g.; Laube, N.; Uhlig, M.; Moemken, J.; Pasternack, A.; Früh, B.; Pohlmann, H.; Kottmeier, C.
2019. Tellus / A, 71 (1), Article: 1618678. doi:10.1080/16000870.2019.1618678
Feldmann, H.; Pinto, J. g.; Laube, N.; Uhlig, M.; Moemken, J.; Pasternack, A.; Früh, B.; Pohlmann, H.; Kottmeier, C.
2019. Tellus / A, 71 (1), Article: 1618678. doi:10.1080/16000870.2019.1618678
Development and prospects of the regional MiKlip decadal prediction system over Europe: predictive skill, added value of regionalization, and ensemble size dependency
Reyers, M.; Feldmann, H.; Mieruch, S.; Pinto, J. G.; Uhlig, M.; Ahrens, B.; Früh, B.; Modali, K.; Laube, N.; Moemken, J.; Müller, W.; Schädler, G.; Kottmeier, C.
2019. Earth System Dynamics, 10 (1), 171–187. doi:10.5194/esd-10-171-2019
Reyers, M.; Feldmann, H.; Mieruch, S.; Pinto, J. G.; Uhlig, M.; Ahrens, B.; Früh, B.; Modali, K.; Laube, N.; Moemken, J.; Müller, W.; Schädler, G.; Kottmeier, C.
2019. Earth System Dynamics, 10 (1), 171–187. doi:10.5194/esd-10-171-2019
Impact of climate change on backup energy and storage needs in wind-dominated power systems in Europe
Weber, J.; Wohland, J.; Reyers, M.; Moemken, J.; Hoppe, C.; Pinto, J. G.; Witthaut, D.
2018. PLoS one, 13 (8), e0201457. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0201457
Weber, J.; Wohland, J.; Reyers, M.; Moemken, J.; Hoppe, C.; Pinto, J. G.; Witthaut, D.
2018. PLoS one, 13 (8), e0201457. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0201457
Future Changes of Wind Speed and Wind Energy Potentials in EURO-CORDEX Ensemble Simulations
Moemken, J.; Reyers, M.; Feldmann, H.; Pinto, J. G.
2018. Journal of geophysical research / Atmospheres, 123 (12), 6373–6389. doi:10.1029/2018JD028473
Moemken, J.; Reyers, M.; Feldmann, H.; Pinto, J. G.
2018. Journal of geophysical research / Atmospheres, 123 (12), 6373–6389. doi:10.1029/2018JD028473
Earlier / other publications
- Moemken J, Reyers M, Buldmann B, Pinto JG (2016). Decadal predictability of regional scale wind speed and wind energy potentials over Central Europe. Tellus A 68:29199, doi: 10.3402/tellusa.v68.29199
- Reyers M, Moemken J, Pinto JG (2016). Future changes of wind energy potentials over Europe in a large CMIP5 multi-model ensemble. Int J Climatol 36:783-796, doi: 10.1002/joc.4382
- Reyers M, Pinto JG, Moemken J (2015). Statistical-dynamical downscaling for wind energy potentials: evaluation and applications to decadal hindcasts and climate change projections. Int J Climatol 35:229-244, doi: 10.1002/joc.3975
PhD Thesis
Mömken J (2018): Wind speed and wind energy potentials over Europe: Regionalisation, decadal predictability, and long-term future changes. IGMK, University of Cologne.
Master Thesis
Mömken J (2014): Dekadische Vorhersagbarkeit von Windenergiepotentialen für Deutschland. IGMK, University of Cologne.
Bachelor Thesis
Mömken J (2011): Der Einfluss von Stratospheric Sudden Warmings auf die Kopplung von PNA und NAO. IGMK, University of Cologne.