PANDOWAE Final Symposium in Karlsruhe, 18-21 May 2015

With the "PANDOWAE Final Symposium - Progress and Future Directions of Research on Predictability and Dynamics of midlatitude Weather Systems" the DFG research group PANDOWAE celebrated the end of six very successful years of research on Predictability and Dynamics of midlatitude Weather Systems. About 100 PANDOWAE researchers and national and international guests came to Karlsruhe, Germany to discuss highlights of PANDOWAE research in the context of progress of the international science community. The venue at Karlsruhe’s Castle, a calm area with a surrounding park right in the center of the city, provided a nice atmosphere and inspiring environment for a fruitful exchange among the participants, which was the aim of this symposium. The program consisted of talks by PANDOWAE researchers and international guests giving an overview of ongoing research in the three PANDOWAE research areas:
- A: Upper-level Rossby wave trains: generation, propagation and wave-breaking
- B: Moist processes and diabatic Rossby waves
- C: Ensembles and adaptivity (numerical modeling & predictability)
- Future directions in research on the understanding of physical & dynamical processes
- Future directions in research on numerical modelling and predictability
Key Note Speakers:
Edmund Chang (Stony Brook University, USA), Suzanne Gray (Univ. Reading, UK), Martin Leutbecher (ECMWF, UK), George Craig (LMU, Germany), Sarah Jones (DWD, Germany), Heini Wernli (ETH Zürich, Switzerland), Volkmar Wirth (Universität Mainz, Germany)
Philippe Arbogast (MeteoFrance), Heather Archambault (NOAA, USA), Gilbert Brunet (Environment Canada), Huw C. Davies (ETH Zürich, Switzerland), James Doyle (NRL, USA), Jenni Evans (Penn State Univ., USA), Victor Homar (Univ. of the Balearic Islands, Spain), Daniel Klocke (DWD, Germany), Oscar Martinez-Alvarado (University of Reading, UK), Ron McTaggart-Cowen (Environment Canada), John Methven (Univ. Reading, UK), Richard Moore (Univ. Oslo, Norway), Carolyn Reynolds (NRL, USA), Gwendal Rivière (LMD, France), Mark Rodwell (ECMWF, UK), Richard Swinbank (MetOffice, UK)