Meteorological station Sedom, Dead Sea, Israel


Location: Sedom, Dead Sea, Israel
Identifier: EBS5
Latitude= 31.08263°N
Longitude= 35.39726°O

Altitude= -389

Begin of measurement: 6.5.2018
Timebase: UTC
Averaging Interval: 10 Minutes

Temperature and Humidity measurement at 2 m height

Rotronic HygroClip HC2S3, MET21 Radiation Shield
Temperature Range: -40 °C .. +60 °C
±0.1 °C, long term<0.1°C / year
Humidity Range: 0 .. 100 %
±0.8%, long term < 1% / year
Data Rate: 0.2 Hz, Averaging Interval: 10 Minutes

3-Component Wind Measurements (u,v,w); Water vapour, carbon dioxide at 6 m height

Campbell IRGASON Integrated CO2 /H2O Open-Path Gas Analyzer and 3D Sonic Anemometer
Wind Speed Range 0 .. 65 m/s
Wind Speed Accuracy (x,y)<
±0.08 m/s
Wind Speed Accuracy (z)<
±0.04 m/s
Wind Direction Range 0 .. 359°
Wind Direction Accuracy:
Wind vector ±5° horizontal: < ±2% of reading
Wind vector ±10° horizontal: < ±3% of reading
Wind vector ±20° horizontal: < ±6% of reading
Data Rate 20 Hz
, Averaging Interval: 10 Minutes

Barometric Pressure Measurement

Vaisala PTB330 Digital Barometer with Young 61002 Pressure Port
The Pressure Port minimizes dynamic pressure errors due to wind.
Pressure Range: 500 .. 1100 hPa
Accuracy: ±0.25 hPa, long term: ±0.1 hPa / year
Data Rate: 1 Hz, Averaging Interval: 10 Minutes

Precipitation Measurement

Tipping Bucket Raingauge Young 52202
Catchment Area: 200 cm²
Resolution: 0.1 mm
Accuracy: 2% up to to 25 mm/h, 3% up to 50 mm/h
Counting Interval: 10 Minutes

Solar Radiation Measurement

Kipp & Zonen CNR4 Net Radiometer
Pyranometer Spectral Response: 0.35 µm .. 2.8 µm
Pyrgeometer Spectral Response: 4.5 µm .. 42 µm
Pyranometer Accuracy: <5%
geometer Accuracy: <10%
Data Rate: 0.2 Hz, Averaging Interval: 10 Minutes

Soil Temperature Measurement

Campbell TCAV Probe
Averages 4 type E thermocouples
Sensor depths 2 cm and 6 cm
Data Rate: 0.2 Hz, Averaging Interval: 10 Minutes

Soil Heat Flux Measurement

Two Hukseflux HFP01 Heat Flux Plates
Range: ±2000 W/m²
Accuracy: -15% .. +5% in most common soils
Data Rate: 0.2 Hz, Averaging Interval: 10 Minutes

Soil Moisture Measurement (volumetric water content)

Two Campbell CS616 Water Content Reflectometers
Accuracy: ±2.5% VWC in range 0% .. 50% VWC
Data Rate: 0.2 Hz, Averaging Interval: 10 Minutes

Data Acquisition

Campbell Scientific CR3000 Datalogger with NL115 Ethernet Interface and Compact Flash Module
Compact Flash card 16 GB

Power Supply

Phaesun Solar Panel, 60 Wpeak, Campbell CH200 Charging Regulator, VRLA Battery 84 Ah

GPS Time synchronisation (done hourly with 0.2 ms accuracy)

Garmin GPS16X-HVS GPS Receiver (12 channel)
PPS Accuracy: ±1µs
Acquisition Times (Approximate):
Reacquisition: Less than 2 s
Hot: 1 s (all data known)
Warm: ~38 s (initial position, time and almanac known, ephemeris unknown)
Cold: ~45 s

Data Transmission (only Averages)

Campbell Scientific COM110 GPRS Modem
Quadband, GPRS Multislot Class 10 (< 40 kBit/s Upload)