Public Deliverables
Boundary Layer Dynamics
D1.1 Campaign (Boundary Layer Dynamics)
The document gives an overview of the conducted measurements including instrument availability and intensive observation period (IOP) overview, aims to inform data users and provides support for case study selection.
Boundary Layer Dynamics
D1.2 Data Base
This report is the second deliverable of WP1 and aims at giving information about the data quality control of datasets acquired at the three supersites (Savè, Kumasi and Ile-Ife) during the DACCIWA ground campaign.
Boundary Layer Dynamics
D1.3 Detailled case studies
A report of significant case studiesarising from the following manifestations of the boundary layer: very persistent stratus decks, cloud free nights, strong low-level jets (LLJs), precipitation events, strong sea-breeze and convergence.
Boundary Layer Dynamics
D1.4 LES simulations
A report of the realization of idealized numerical experiments with stratus/stratocumulus clouds at a very high resolution by Large Eddy Simulation model (LES) to adequately represent the gradients and the motions within the lowest part of the atmosphere.
Boundary Layer Dynamics
D1.5 Combined data analysis, conceptual model development and model evaluation
A report about the conceptual model for the low level cloud (LLC) diurnal cycle in southern West Africa and the relevant processes involved, built from the analysis of the DACCIWA dataset.
Air Pollution and Health
D2.1 Emission inventories
This deliverable in the framework of WP2-DACCIWA consists in the first version of African fossil fuel (FF), biofuel (BF), gas flaring and waste burning emission inventories for the 1990-2013 period for the major atmospheric compounds (gases and particles).
Air Pollution and Health
D2.2 Model Development
In the DACCIWA WP2 work, the purpose was to adapt RegCM4 (Regional climate model) to be used for air pollution and health impact studies in West Africa.
Air Pollution and Health
D2.3 Epidemiological Effects of Air Pollution
The objective of this study was therefore to assess the impact of air pollution on health in Abidjan, with special attention to cardiorespiratory and skin diseases, by measuring both exposure to air pollution and health objectively. This report describes efforts to relate pollutant levels and these health outcomes by assessing Particulate Matter, NO2 and O3 concentrations and compiling health statistics at the secondary health care level for Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire within the context of the DACCIWA project (Knippertz et al., 2015).
Air Pollution and Health
D2.4 Toxicological effects of air pollution
Our objective was to characterize the toxicity of different size-fractions collected in dry and wet seasons during 2 consecutive years in 4 different locations in Abidjan (Cote d’Ivoire) and Cotonou (Benin).
Air Pollution and Health
D2.5 Inflammatory risk regional maps
In this deliverable, results of health impact for anthropogenic sources were estimated.
Atmospheric Chemistry
D3.1 Chemistry Campaign
The objective of the chemistry campaign was manifold: deliver a high-quality dataset of the atmospheric composition in Southern West Africa, explore contrasted environments in the region (biogenic, urban, industrial), investigate the vertical and horizontal distribution of gas and aerosols.
Atmospheric Chemistry
D3.2 Model evaluation
This deliverable is dedicated to the assessment and validation of the WP3 numerical models providing the atmospheric composition with regards to observational datasets such as satellite, ground-based and airborne measurements obtained during the 2016 field campaign.
Atmospheric Chemistry
D3.3 Campaign Data
High-quality gas-phase chemical measurements were successfully performed from all three research aircraft deployed during DACCIWA.
Atmospheric Chemistry
D3.4 Present emissions
This report focuses on the emissions of compounds into the air above southern West Africa during the summer months of the DACCIWA aircraft campaign ( Knippertz et al., 2017; Flamant et al., 2018 ).
Atmospheric Chemistry
D3.5 Future Emissions
The groups contributing to this deliverable use a range of model systems and follow different strategies for investigating the change in gas and aerosol distributions and their consequences for radiative forcing and air quality until 2050. The results of the studies will be presented from the finest to the coarsest resolutions.
Cloud-Aerosol Interactions
D4.1 Campaign: Summary document for aerosol-cloud campaign
The aim of this report is to provide all participants of DACCIWA with a summary of the aircraft activities during the period of intensive aircraft observations in June and July 2016.
Cloud-Aerosol Interactions
D4.2 Model evaluation
This report provides an overview about the aerosol/chemistry models in weather forecast and climate mode related to WP4 focusing on aerosol-cloud properties, including model characteristics, the pre-DACCIWA performance and their adaptations to the needs within DACCIWA.
Cloud-Aerosol Interactions
D4.3 Aerosol and cloud data
Deliverable D4.3 describes the aerosol-cloud interaction related datasets from 3 research aircraft that had been collected during field campaign which took place in 2016 between 25th June and 17th July.
Cloud-Aerosol Interactions
D4.4 Aerosol influences on cloud properties
This deliverable describes the progress made in understanding the key processes driving both stratocumulus clouds across the DACCIWA region and how aerosols across the region influence the properties of clouds, through which they may subsequently modify precipitation, radiation, and dynamical and land surface interactions.
Cloud-Aerosol Interactions
D4.5 Model performance
This reports summarises main results from DACCIWA deliverable D4.5 to date, showing how varied models perform at describing the regional aerosol and cloud systems across the region and an examination of the model performance at capturing the interactions between aerosols clouds and precipitation.
Radiative Processes
D5.1 Climatology for cloud, aerosol and radiative fluxes
This report provides a multi-year multi-satellite analysis of clouds, aerosol, precipitation and radiative fluxes for the wider southern West Africa region. This provides a climatological context from which to plan and interpret the intensive observations undertaken by DACCIWA and a resource for the project.
Radiative Processes
D5.2 Campaign Data
This report provides an overview about the cloud product generated from measurements collected in the DACCIWA field campaign in June–July 2016.
Radiative Processes
D5.3 Multi-satellite dataset
This report contains essential information about a number of cloud, aerosol and irradiance satellite products, which may be useful for DACCIWA research.
Radiative Processes
D5.4 Radiation closure
In this report we describe how radiative closure is used to evaluate the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) Optimal Cloud Analysis (OCA) product. We focus on this particular cloud product because of its potential usefulness in the DACCIWA region, as detailed in section 3.1.
Radiative Processes
D5.5 Model evaluation
The main objective of the report is 1) to quantify the occurrence of various cloud types and their associated radiative effects in the DACCIWA region during the monsoon season; 2) to report aerosol direct radiative effects; and 3) to discuss model errors in radiation and their impacts on energy budget, cloud type transition and circulation.
Precipitative Processes
D6.1 Radiosonde dataset
This report provides a detailed description of the activities conducted in DACCIWA WP6 Task 6.1: “Radiosonde dataset: Quality-controlled radiosonde dataset from field campaign” that ultimately led to a spatial density of in-situ upper-air information in southern West Africa that is unprecedented. It will also describe failures and their reasons, as well as contingency actions in response to this. Finally, it will describe data formats and quality issues.
Precipitative Processes
D6.2 Rainfall classification
The present report provides an extensive analysis of the relevant rainfall types for SWA, their contribution to total rainfall and the environmental controls under which they occur.
Precipitative Processes
D6.3 Rainfall dataset
A report about the dense network of high-resolution optical rain gauges established around the city of Kumasi in the Ashanti region of Ghana. This is to help to overcome the issue of poor ground truth data for the validation and calibration of satellite rainfall estimations, to complement existing studies and to further improve our understanding about relevant rainfall types in the Guinea coast region.
Precipitative Processes
D6.4 Precipitation case studies
The present report provides an overview of several precipitation case studies over south-western Africa. First, seven rain cases will be presented. Second, a diagnostic study on extreme precipitation along the Guinean coast will be described.
Precipitative Processes
D6.5 Model evaluation
The aim of this deliverable is to report on the model representation of warm rain processes in current models and their sensitivity to resolution and parameterization.
Precipitative Processes
D6.6 Satellite evaluation
Rainfall plays a crucial role in the socio-economic development of the African continent, particularly in those countries where agriculture is predominantly rain-fed.
Monsoon Processes
D7.1 Surface climatology
This report provides a description of the activities conducted in DACCIWA WP7 Task 7.1 “Digitisation of station data”. For a regional evaluation of model and satellite data beyond the period of the DACCIWA field campaign in 2016, standard surface observations from routine weather stations are the only possible source of information. One principal aim of DACCIWA is therefore to improve the availability of long-term ground-based observations from weather stations.
Monsoon Processes
D7.2 Campaign forecasting
This report provides a description of the activities conducted in DACCIWA WP7 Task 7.2 “Tailored forecasts for field campaign”. The activities were closely tied to the aircraft component of the DACCIWA field campaign in June and July 2016, but served other components as well.
D7.3 Forecast Evaluation
The purpose of the present Deliverable D7.3 is to document the evaluation of these forecasts using available data from standard networks and satellites as well as data from the field campaign where already available (particularly radiosondes).
Monsoon Processes
D7.4 Model Evaluation
In this deliverable, we present results from an evaluation of the representation of the West African monsoon (WAM) system in widely used global and regional climate and seasonal model datasets following a similar strategy as in D7.3 for weather forecasting.
Monsoon Processes
D7.5 Sensitivity and scenario simulations
One objective of this report is to investigate these systematic errors with use of sensitivity experiments performed with different models.
D8.2 Field campaign outreach
This document provides an overview over the media strategy and the outreach activities that took place before and during the main DACCIWA field campaign in June/July 2016 and gives an outlook to the planned actions.
D8.3 Overview Article
A report on DACCIWA overview articles in highly ranked international journals.